Chapter 23

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Sid's PoV
(The Present)

I was brain dead, my heart has tried to protect itself, but it couldn't. Another heartbreak, another cheater. I was groaning loudly the next morning, due to the back pain that shot me  for sleeping on the couch.

I rubbed my eyes, my headache was increasing second by second. I glanced at Kate, sleeping on my bed, sprawled like a snake, wearing nothing but her slimy sling of a night dress that was transparent.

She was fast asleep, with a foolish grin on her face. I hate her and she knows this. But women are the objects to be hated, if you won't keep them in their fucking limits they will rip your heart in millions of pieces.

She wanted money and I wanted her to take my revenge on the slut of a wife I have. So, I purchased her for the purpose. The thing is I can't tolerate her yet I have to fucking pretend to be her fuck buddy in front of Sana.

Fuck! I can't fucking believe Sana would be such a cruel soul!

Fucking Bitch!

I grabbed the blanket and threw it at the slutty Kate to at least cover her up a little. I then walked out of the room strolling towards the kitchen to have some water and advil to ease this freaking headache a bit.

I was shocked to see a tray of breakfast set on the kitchen island. Orange juice, water, advils and the omelet exactly how I prefer after being drunk. I searched for Mrs. Robinson our cook but she wasn't there.

"Maria thanks for the breakfast, remind me later to give you a raise" I muttered downing the orange juice and taking the med.

"But Sir" she started but stopped frowning at something behind me. I turned around and my eyes fell on a slut of a wife I have. I gave her a cruel and a smirky grin, "Maria, it would be really great of you if you will make another tray of breakfast for my girlfriend. We couldn't sleep all night long. She must be damn tired" I said never leaving Sana's eyes not even for a second.

I noticed how her eyes dilated and how a slug appeared on her face when I mentioned Kate as a girlfriend.

She frowned and stormed out of the kitchen. I smiled sheepishly, it hasn't even started wife. A lot more is left sweetheart! I thought.


Sana's PoV

I wiped my tears a hundredth time since last night. It's not the first time that Sid broke my heart but its the really first time when I felt my heart being ripped apart from my body. I can't even breathe in here so I did the only thing left to do with me, I rushed out of the penthouse to get going for my studio. Although it was an hour before everyone starts coming but I decided to crash at a coffee house near my office building.

I entered the The Caffeinated and the aroma of brewing coffee, baking of pancakes engulfed me. Inhaling the beautiful aroma I stood in the queue to make my order, it wasn't a never ending one yet it seemed to moving slowly, really slowly, especially when I was hungry as a lion.

Finally when it was my turn, a petite girl of around 20years came up, "Welcome to The C, what would you like to order, ma'am?" I smiled and ordered, "1 latte with extra cream and 1 double chocochip muffin."

"1 latte with extra cream and a chocochip muffin, coming up" she said enthusiastically. I gladly accepted what she brought paying her the amount of the bill.

Turning around in a swift motion I collided with someone, gasping loudly when my latte fell on the white shirt and suit jacket dirtying it. Fuck!

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