Chapter 29

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Sid's PoV

I groaned, opening my eyes briefly, my body aching as hell. A flush of last night came rushing down my mind, our hungry kisses, the never ending need for each other and the serenity of soul mating. My groin twitches every time I think of the deepest depth I bore into her last night. It was so calming, I wanted to tell her that she is mine, only mine, I have marked her with love bites that was my possession for her.

I closed my eyes thinking about us interwoven in each other, where was she now? I jumped out of the bed to take a shower, and go search her but a thought stopped me from doing it. A thought that shook me, I fucked her, I claimed her mine. It was the beast in me that provoked me, she would hate me to know the fact that I did it, to let her know she is only mine, to let the world know she belongs to me, I marked her with hickeys.

It was not a soothing calming love making rather it was a possession, a trait that should be hated by her not provoked. Whatever, I did was not out of love, Fuck!

I raked my hands in my hair roughly, I was afraid of this side of mine, and so I decided to stay as far as away from her as possible. I stood straighter, when I heard footsteps of Sana, entering our room timidly. I glanced at the mirror in front of me and she was right behind me with bright eyes, my eyes raked her slim body, covered in hickeys all over her neck, a bruise forming on her upper arm. A sudden rage balled up in me, a beastly anger for myself, I gritted my teeth preventing myself from punching the mirror in front of me.

Her eyes found mine, and I could see the hurt in them, the hurt I caused, the hurt that I always cause her when I am around. She should hate me, she should've left me the moment I gave her chance. I hate myself for falling into this crap, her father made sure that whatever he earned out of this marriage remains intact with him. My dad let go of things, but I can't. I won't let this happen not again. I can't even believe she could do such a thing to me but she did. She faked her innocence, she wanted my money and she got it, now why is she still here. I could have killed her the moment I found out about their deceive, but I didn't, cause I love her, Fuck! I shouldn't be in love with her. I should be rather hating her for what she did.

I did this to claim the world that she is mine but the truth is she was never mine she will never be mine. She is gold-digger just like Simona, she will fuck the richest man once she find any. I can't fall into this yet again. No... I am not that stupid.

"Sid, I...I..prepared breakfast for you, if..." her voice broke my trail of thoughts.

"Why? Why would you cook for me now?" I asked, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Hmm..its sunday, so I thought..." I cut her off turning around abruptly, "Its sunday, that doesn't mean. you start with your acting skills. Anyways, clean the house, my friends will be visiting tonight, and cook some better food. I do not want your filthy presence there, so can have a night off" I said, putting the tie in place, fixing my cuffs. When she didn't reply, I glanced at her, and her eyes were filled with unshed tears, she nodded once I raised my eyebrows, and left as swiftly as possible.

"Sarah, I want you and the team of our architects at the office in next 30 minutes. I will be visiting Japan on Monday" I said into the phone, as soon as she picked up the call.

"Sure Sir" she replied and I hung up the phone. I texted the gang to be there at my place tonight, only guys, specifically. I then stormed out of the penthouse to have a talk with my dad.


"Dad" I yelled, and soon Mrs. Joana came down alongwith a worried John right behind her.

"Where's Dad?" I asked but they remained shut for a few seconds but soon dad came out of his study walking briskly.

"I need to talk to you about the Japanese project, if you are free...." my eyes moved towards the shadow of Mr Singh and Mr Sharma, following him out of the study.

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