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"What in the hell~" Eret trailed off as your group looked around, a mix of expressions on your faces.

The place was completely clean.

Of everything.

The building itself was meant to be a cafe but, unlike outside, it was bare, empty even.

A cold layer of unease settled on the room.

"How- why is it empty? There's nothing here!" Tubbo looked around, half expecting the room to change like in movies.

But no.

The place was eerily quite as you followed Tommy and Tubbo around a countertop where you guessed people would have been served.

"No clue. It looks disused but you'd expect some trace of dust or something that suggests it's been empty for a while" called Wilbur, not caring to be quiet as he ran an index finger along a windowsill, inspecting it for any dust.

"Which means someone has been here" Techno was still stood by the door, his arms folded.

You stayed quiet, listening for any sound out of the ordinary.

Tommy stopped suddenly, reaching for something under the counter.

"Hey guys! Come here!"

The others all looked up, confused before making their way over.

"There's something under here. I thought it was a bit of gum but now I'm not sure"

"Tommy, what if it is just gum that's become increasingly hard from age and you've just be prodding it thinking it would do something?" You sigh.

He glared at you.

"Okay you come have a go then!" He stepped back, mockingly motioning for you to check.

You grimace before peeking under the table.

"Which bit of gum was it?" You wrinkle your nose in disgust.

"I dunno! The one right at the back?" He gives you a rough shove.

You move your hand a little further back, searching for what Tommy might have been talking about.

Low and behold, there was a what felt like a small nail encrusted in old gum.

"That's gross" you mutter, trying to scratch it off.

"Anything there?" Eret asked.

"Sadly, Tommy did find something", you tossed a sideways glance to see him grinning maniacally, "but I don't know if it does anything. It's just a screw that seems rather out of place"

The nail had been dislodged a little so you tried to twist it.

It span easily, continuing till it fell out and hit the floorboards with a metallic clang.

Thankfully, at that moment you decided to spring back.

 The floor suddenly fell out from under where you had been crouching.

You waited a few moments until you heard it hit the bottom.

"How did you-" Tubbo gaped.

"A metal screw wouldn't have made that noise on a wooden floor" you shrug, holding your hand out for someones phone.

Once someone passed you one, you flicked the torch on, shining it into the pitch depths below.

From what you could see, the was a rusting ladder with a few rungs missing which hung down the side of the hole.

"Y/n..." you heard Wilbur warn.

You look back at him.

"This is the only lead we have and a hole in the ground is awfully suspicious. Do you want to find Phil?" you stare at him.

Wilbur looked a little taken aback before his expression hardened and he nodded.

"Let me go first"

Author Notes

Let's see if we can keep this update time going?

We're getting somewhere with the story, I know it's taken a while but I'm writing this as I go.

Hope you guys are doing well :)

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