Killer Queen

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The first time Jeon Soyeon sees Song Yuqi, the two are in the same coffee shop, and the future (so she hopes) producer is at a table with her best friends and their respective boyfriends; Soojin and Hui, and Miyeon and Hwiyoung.

Yeah... Being the only lesbian single friend in the group is kind of boring sometimes, even though Miyeon and Soojin are both bisexual, they just happened to be dating guys because boys are like trauma; they refuse to be excluded from the equation, no matter how much therapy you do. And part of the blame these relationships even started in the first place is kind of Soyeon's; she was the one who introduced Soojin, now a Dance student, to Hui, who is now from the same class as Soyeon, Music, during high school. And Hwiyoung, despite doing Cinematography, turned to his girlfriend's friend when they were still just acquaintances to ask Miyeon, from Theater, to be part of his short film at the end of last year.

But Yuqi is alone. In fact, she walks through the front door around four in the afternoon and carries that air of confusion that attracts Soyeon at first glance, and the Chinese woman's features are too cute not to look at. Her eyes, her nose, her little mouth... It's not even because of the pink jumpsuit she wears, or because of the pig-tails that leave her dark hair really up in her head.

She passes by looking at everything but the blonde who admires her on her left diagonal, and sits alone at a table for four. Even more curious than that, it's Nicha Yontararak who runs to her, her half-brown and half-blue hair bouncing as she runs and holds in Yuqi's arms as they hug like childhood friends, which they really are, in part. Then, they sit down again and their expressions never cease to travel between excitement, surprise, disbelief and excitement.

Minnie, the Thai's long-given nickname for being more sonically appealing, won the establishment as a gift from her parents so she could support herself in South Korea without being so financially dependent on them, which of course still happens because she likes to spend every penny like an alcoholic likes to drink alcohol, and note that the Idle Caffe is very popular thanks to its privileged location in the student center of Daegu. Hundreds of university students visit it every day to pass the time, study in a different environment or just to buy the well-known bubble tea, which is the head of the shop.

Soyeon even absents herself from the conversation that takes place in her own social circle — something about Miyeon and Hwiyoung's third-school-year beginning, and second-year for everyone else there, which will take place in two days — to focus on other people's, all because she's attracted to a girl, so attracted that she even writes down her number on a napkin, along with a probably corny pickup line, and thinks about getting up and taking her shot. But that's when everything goes wrong.

A boy with hair bordering on a helmet cut and thick lips walks in, waving to the girls and kissing Yuqi's lips as he sits down beside her, needlessly explaining how much anything Soyeon thought and devised would not happen.

That day, the poor blonde curses the heterosexual nation so much that even Soojin, who never gets emotionally hit by anything, buys her a milkshake so she can drown her sorrows in sugar.


The second time they see each other — like, really see each other, because of course they've been in the same place after the day at the coffee shop, but neither of them noticed it —, it's been a long time, so much time that Miyeon has already broken up with Hwiyoung (a good whole month, but the Cho girl doesn't stay with the boys very long, although her relationships or crushes often end amicably... Soyeon really thinks she's actually a lesbian, but some kind of internalized homophobia prevents her from seeing it).

The rapper is so busy with the college's responsibilities and with her job as an intern at one of the city's most famous radio stations that Soojin practically had to drag her out of the house — neither of them like to go out like that, especially at night and for clandestine parties from their college buddies, but Hui really wanted Soojin to accompany him to make up for the last two times she said no, and Soojin wouldn't go without her best friend, so it turned out as it were —and Jeon Soyeon had to drop off the gear, usually called toys by her friends, to put on some clothes other than her worn, dark sweatshirt and get into Hui's car.

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