The Broken Heart's Club

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More than friends, Kim Jungeun and Jeon Soyeon become bed partners, confidants and each other's weeping shoulders. Due to the similarity of their academic schedules, they started to walk together throughout the university, pacing and separating only at lunch, when they direct themselves to their respective groups, and not even then sometimes, since Sooyoung gets along very well with Soojin, and Hyejoo and Shuhua have found out their common fondness for getting irritated by silly questions, while Hyunjin, Minnie and Miyeon can talk about anything easily, which contributes for days or so to all sharing just one table.

By the way, people have even started to say that Jungeun and Soyeon are the shadow of each other, even though, at first, Soyeon was not very comfortable with the idea of taking Jungeun to her house, to the same bed that Yuqi was once in. But now the relationship of true complicity between them is established and the young rapper no longer feels that she is betraying Yuqi's memory by letting someone else take the space beside her, which is why Jungeun is there, naked just by her side, the thin gray blanket covering her as she presses the control button incessantly to scroll through the TV channels, both too lazy to get up and shower after the intense exchange of fluids that just happened.

They make the Broken Hearts Club, or so Shuhua dubbed them, declaring herself a member as well, though her heart hasn't officially broken yet — Shuhua, by the way, breaks into the songwriter's room every now and then and joins the duo on their marathons of movies or series, or philosophical conversation circles that always accompany a good bottle of soju and, once, even a specific delusional herb that had been provided by Hyejoo, in secret, of course, or Soojin would have killed them.

But Shuhua isn't there right now (that would be gross). It's just the two of them.

Some of The 1975's music is still playing softly in the background and Soyeon is thinking too much again, about anything in particular, about everything, which emotionally and literally hurts her brain, but in a way she has gotten used to. It no longer bothers like it used to before.

She thinks about her job at Cube — she's been given a soundproof studio in the building so she can compose and produce any kind of music she wants without disturbing anyone and without being disturbed —, thinks about the many famous people she's meeting in this new journey of her life, like the renowned rapper Jeon Jiyoon and the jazz and blues singer Ahn Hyejin, and about her chances of possibly producing something for them. She wonders how the school year is passing quickly, another two months and it's over, and how there's only one more year left to be an officially graduated professional, with the future only in her hands to decide what to do with it and when to do it, no more teachers, no more classmates, no more seeing her friends so often. And even reflects on the solitary way in which she will carry all the consequences that come with her actions.

It's going to be a big change, but Soyeon is prepared.

She also thinks about Jo Haseul, Jungeun's ex-girlfriend, and how their story is beautiful, a movie thing. It took a lot for Jungeun to tell her all of it, something she did while being sober, to make matters worse, but Soyeon thinks she needed to get it out so she could breathe more lightly.

Jungeun fell in love with Haseul without knowing her, through the poems in the book of poetry that Haseul donated to the library and that she had written herself. Then, Jungeun, not even knowing who Jo Haseul was, started writing and sending letters with questions and praises related to the poetic diaries, which were read to Haseul by Jeon Heejin, a childhood best friend. All because, at the time, Haseul was in a coma from a car accident she had suffered.

With no idea of what was going on and with no answers to her letters, Jungeun still kept sending them while Heejin read them, and one day, while reading, the childhood best friend saw Haseul begining to move, to move her fingers or feet, like spasms, which hadn't happened since she lost consciousness, and that gave the Jo family hope that the girl would wake up one day. Said and done, Haseul woke up — confused, lost, having no idea of what was going on — and after a while, after being informed of the situation, she agreed to meet with Jungeun, their first date.

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