Run To You

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It's a sunny Sunday, a lazy day, and Yuqi and Soyeon are in the rapper's room, curled up comfortably in the warm bed as they watch the movie Lion, that tells the story of an Indian boy who got lost and was taken out of the country to get adopted still as a child, only to return to India years later in search of his family.

It's been a while since they've officially moved their clandestine meetings to Soyeon's apartment, long enough for Soojin to learn when to knock or not on her friend's bedroom door, and Yuqi takes advantage of all Yukhei's outings to pay a visit to her bedmate — she doesn't want to admit it, but it's almost like she's in two different relationships at the same time. And for Soyeon, poor thing, it irritates her to see Yukhei touching Yuqi so publicly, as he always has since they arrived together from China two years ago, but now more than ever; it annoys her that he is the official lover (as in, boyfriend) when she does so much more for Yuqi and charges so little back.

But that's the consequence, it seems, of squeezing the pretty, naked girl into her arms and knowing she's not hers at the same time, feel Yuqi with her scent, but watching her clean herself up before stepping out onto the streets. It's hard, especially for the heart. But it's her problem, since she knew what she was getting into when she begged, agonizing with lust, that Yuqi continued to fuck her finger against her pussy in that bathroom at the KBZ's house party.

"I don't want to watch it anymore," Yuqi suddenly mutters, starting to look distressed.


"Turn off the television, I don't want this movie anymore," she tries to grab the remote, which is on the dresser next to Soyeon, but the rapper does it first.

"You're not the ruler of the world, Yuqi. I'm watching it too," Soyeon jokes, holding the object aloft with an outstretched hand.

"Turn the fucking television off, Soyeon!"

It's a scream and it scares her, but what scares her even more is what comes next... A panic attack? Anger? Soyeon doesn't quite know what it is or what to say, but Yuqi's face looks very angry and she sits down on the floor and starts doing sit-ups. In the afternoon. With panties and a bra.

Soyeon turns off the television at once and kneels on the bed, worried, not knowing what to say as she stares at the Chinese girl exhausting herself in her concrete, and it's good that she did it, because if she had said anything, Yuqi would have done even more sit-ups to ward off the bad feelings. That's how Soyeon finds out she has anger issues and wears out physically so she doesn't explode at some other time with someone else.

It takes a few moments, but Yuqi finally stops, letting her bare back drop to the floor and her hands cover her eyes, her skin sweaty and her chest frenzied with her breathing movements. She feels Soyeon move even without seeing it, and when she lifts her torso to sit and opens her eyes, the silver girl is there, beside her on the floor, a sheet wrapped around her body to cover her nudity as she waits for some sign that she can touch her.

"Sorry I yelled," Yuqi mutters, then shakes her head to answer an unspoken question. Soyeon takes her under her blanket.

"Did the movie trigger you? Or was it something else?"

"Can't you, I don't know, just hold me for a while?"

Of course she can, and so she does, the brunette's head resting against her chest and her hands wrapped around her clammy body — it's cold, the sweat will dry naturally. Soyeon tries not to sigh so as not to be misinterpreted as she strokes Yuqi's brown strands, but then, suddenly, something warm and salty is wetting her skin, the few drops trickling down her torso without permission.

"Yuqi?" She calls.

In the next second, the crying becomes audible. Yuqi starts to sob, the tears more frequent now, her breathing heavy and intense, her entire body pressing against Soyeon as if she might disappear or shrink from the pressure. Soyeon is at a loss as to why, but her heart aches to see Yuqi like that, so fragile and vulnerable — okay, she always knew that the Chinese's tough, invincible way never went much beyond appearance, but she wasn't expecting that... That trust? Because to put herself that way in front of someone, she has to trust them, right?

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