When Everything Falls Down

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They're trying something new, something that was Song Yuqi's idea, obviously, after watching a yuri on the internet, and which, at first, Soyeon refused because she had never had any contact with toys like this before, but after seeing the photo her girlfriend took from a dresser of a sex shop, all dressed up and with a pose shaped by domination, she changed her mind and transferred the money for the purchase of the items to Yuqi's account in the same second.

Interestingly, the composer's bedroom is not the stage of their dirty adventure today, but only because Shuhua asked them to spend that Tuesday away from the apartment so that she would have privacy in her first official date with Seo Soojin, although Soojin herself denied it when Soyeon asked her about it, as if she'd never heard anything more absurd in her life.

The denial phase is the most complicated and, unfortunately, the longest lasting.

They had put the two single beds together the night before, of course, and got there so tired from the school day that they'd just tidy the room, shower, and roll over in a soothing sleep under the blanket, neither touching the other thanks to the lack of energy, like an old couple with fifty years of marriage. But this morning, they agreed that the pre-lunch classes weren't worth that much, and that's why they're there now, working out their bodies at nine in the morning.

Soyeon's palms are against the mattress, as are her knees, holding her naked, sweaty body tight as the collision that repeats between her spread legs pushes her forward. And Yuqi is there, right behind her, her belt fastened to her hips, her feet flat on the floor, her hands holding the top of her girlfriend's thighs to shorten the coming and going.

Soyeon's moans resonate through the room and are like music to Yuqi, and she's not so secretly loving the feeling of having this power under Soyeon, this control, this filling — she knew she'd like it the instant she laid eyes on the video.

When the silver-haired girl's arms begin to give way, Soyeon shifts her palms for her elbows, and Yuqi, half-aware, half-awesome, immersed in the sensation, lifts her feet off the floor to rest her knees on the mattress, one on either side of Soyeon's legs, and moves her torso to her back, kissing her wet neck before intensifying the force on her hip, only to hear Soyeon whimper, practically feeling the burn of her pussy against the soft plastic, and have her small body tremble under her, as delicate as a doll, sensitive as a kitten, her final moans being the sexiest thing Yuqi has ever heard in life.

Yuqi stands up, takes off the dildo and drops it to the floor — she'd worry about that later — and collapses beside her girlfriend, both of them breathing heavy and hot, throats dry, the bodily sensation trying to boil your veins and vessels.

"See?" Yuqi asks, trying to fix her breath. "I said you'd like it if you tried it."

Even tired, Soyeon makes a point of rolling her eyes, "If you start it, I swear I will-"

"Soyeon, it's okay to admit that I was right. 'Cause I was. And I will always be because I'm the owner of the whole truth in the world," she smiles as she brags. "I know it's hard to accept such, but-"

"Yeah, it must be really hard to accept, right, Song?" Soyeon interrupts.

Yuqi, suspicious and bewildered, wrinkles her nose, disgusted by the interruption of her triumphant speech, "What do you mean?"

"It must be hard to, you know..." The rapper finally feels able to get up, and does so as she braces her hair, smirk on her lips. "Not being able to guarantee yourself with your own fingers."

"Excuse me, what?!" She sits up on an impulse, but Soyeon pays her no attention, picking up her clothes from the floor and putting them on as if she had heard nothing. "Soyeon! Get back here! What do you mean by 'not guarantee yourself with your own fingers'?! Are you delusional or what?! Soyeon!"

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