(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You

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The third year of college has begun, and, heavens, busy is still an euphemism for describing Jeon Soyeon's condition. Between the internship, the intense study to keep her grades high, and the adult responsibilities she holds, like paying taxes, household bills and renewing documents, there's only one thing that's been distracting her head from a possible breakdown: sex. Yeah, the little genius has had a real boom since Miyeon and Minnie started dating this summer and Nicha dragged her to secret lesbian bars, who happened to have half their attendance made up of students from the same college as them, which was a hugely important factor in spreading her homosexuality away, if even there was people who didn't know it before, and she developed her flirtatious side.

Those are not complicated and developed things, though. One-night stands with girls who want the same kind of warmth as her are all she has and she's fine with it. After all, she coulnd't dye her hair for someone and then fall in love with everyone around her, right?

And if it wasn't deductible what she did before, it's more than obvious now. Soyeon started the school year five weeks ago with her hair completely silver, just like a very specific cartoon character. And she tried to keep the extensions down to her waist, but they were too heavy, marking the presence of constant, horrendous headaches, so she took them off last week to leave only her real strands, these stretching until just a little below her shoulders. Soojin said she looks charming like that.

Now, she's enjoying the remaining twenty minutes of her lunch time at the campus library, looking for books and music history books to study for the upcoming test week, until she hears her own name and it's not as vocative but rather as a predicate of a speech belonging to a deep and familiar voice, which sounds fickle and angry in the aisle of shelves next door. In the next second, she's leaning against the piles of books trying to hear the entire sentences.

"I'm serious, Shuhua!" Yuqi continues. "How can no one else say anything about it?! First, she takes that ridiculous hair out of God knows where, and then she becomes the girl with the most active sex life at the university, for God's sake! There isn't a single LGBTQ+ girl in my class she hasn't slept with!"

Soyeon can't see her, but she partially sees the face of Yeh Shuhua, Yuqi's roommate who has become her best friend since they met a year ago. Shuhua rolls her eyes while Soyeon smiles smugly. She wasn't sure that her target had been hit because, in all of her teasing practices with Yuqi, her hair wasn't even mentioned once, but now, she's grateful that all the money she spent on the hairdresser has paid off.

"I thought you were over her hair already" Shuhua comments.

"Never! She's ruining my favorite character!"

"Yuqi, you thought about breaking up with Yukhei when you saw Soyeon with the silver hair for the first time."

"Before I realized it was her!"

Finally, Shuhua lets out a frustrated sigh, too tired of listening to the same conversation for the thousandth time.

"You know what? If you're so annoyed with the people she fucks, take your complaints to her."

"Are you out of your mind or what?! If I say something like that to that person miniature, she'll think I'm jealous!"

"Well, there's a real end to everything, me thinks," Yeh Shuhua gets a series of slaps after that. Learning her lesson, she takes a deep breath. "Okay, look. You could, I don't know, ask her to at least not interfere with the people you interact with. Boundaries or something."

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