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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷

The sun was at it's peak, the highest point it could be seen at. The crowded streets of Yokohama roared in murmurs as usual. There was never a quiet day in Yokohama, the city of where they resided. Over all, it did seem more peaceful than other days, which was a good thing.

Though, while the citizens of the city were all at peace, going on with their days, the Armed Detective Agency was interrogating their precious war hero, Fukuchi Ōchi.

"Why did you do it?" Fukuzawa questioned. He felt betrayed. He couldn't fathom why his friend would do such a thing to their precious city. He was heartbroken, his friend had completely betrayed his trust. Fukuchi remained quiet, not a sound escaped from him. Fukuzawa left the interrogation room. "How'd it go?" Ranpo asked.

He scanned Fukuzawa's expression. "I see... He's a tough one to crack, even Dazai couldn't crack him." Ranpo said as he ate a chip from his bag. "Not to mention my Ultra Deduction can't see through him. I can't tell if he did it or not, but he confessed to the crime." Ranpo said as he crumbled the empty bag.

"Yes, it seems that is the case. He isn't called the Man of 100 faces for nothing. Let us return to the Agency." Fukuzawa said as he walked passed Ranpo. Ranpo turned around with a frown on his face. Fukuzawa disappeared from his view. Ranpo opened his eyes as he clenched his fist.

"Even without Ultra Deduction, that expression on your face is as obvious as day... You really trusted him, didn't you, boss." Ranpo said to himself. He turned his head towards the interrogation room before turning back and leaving.

'What could've possibly have happened to result in this...? If Fukuchi is the real culprit, I'd drop the case... But... Never mind, I shouldn't overthink too much.' Ranpo thought as he caught up to Fukuzawa. 'All I need to do is use my Ultra Deduction to solve more cases. That's all I can do for them now.' He thought as he stared forward.

|| T I M E S K I P ||

The dark brown haired girl walked into Elise's room with a small smile on her face. "Good morning Elise." She greeted with a small bow. Elise grinned. "Masumi!" She exclaimed as she ran over to the girl and hugged her.

"Don't run like that, you could trip and hurt yourself." The girl, Masumi, said sternly. Elise pouted. "I would never trip, besides even if I did, you'd catch me." She said with a close eyed smile. Masumi crouched down and pat her head.

"Yes, I certainly would." She said.

"I really miss you... I can't see you much because I'm usually with Rintaro... Why do you avoid everyone?" She asked. Masumi paused for a moment, her mouth a gap.

"No need to worry, I've been very busy recently, so I would usually like to rest instead of conversing." She replied with her usual dry tone.

"I see, that does make sense since you're a very lazy person." Elise said.

Masumi pretended to be hurt. "Oh how you wound me~ After all the times we've spent together." Masumi said as she anime cried. Elise giggled. "Stop it with the artificial tears, Masumi." She said.

"I'll have you know these are real tears! You can smell the saltiness and the sadness combined!" She exclaimed dramatically.

"Haha, so funny Masumi. I wish I had a very dry humor like yours, isn't it lovely?" Elise said. Masumi felt an imaginary arrow hit her. "I thought we were close-" She said before she was cut off. "Yeah, that's what you thought. It just comes and goes. Thoughts aren't exactly facts." Elise stated.

Masumi pouted.

"Well damn. I guess I'm not gonna give you this cake I whipped up." She said as she pulled out a cake from no where.

Elise flinched as she stared at the cake, drool dripping from her mouth.

"I take it back!" She exclaimed as she snatched the cake. Masumi chuckled.

Then the door opened.


|| M E A N W H I L E ||

The Agency and Hunting Dogs sat at the same table, glaring at each other while Ango stood in between the two forces with a smile on his face, sweating bullets.

"Now, let's get down to business." Ango said. The two forces stared at him, well minus Dazai who was in his own world. "I brought you both here to discuss a new case." He proceeded. They paid close attention.

"Let me guess. It's a very dangerous case, so you even called the Hunting Dogs." Dazai said with a sigh. Kunikida glared at him. "You are correct, Dazai. This case's danger level hasn't been determined, but we have reasons to beleive this case deals with a very powerful and intelligent ability user." Ango said. They became attentive once more.

The screen behind Ango showed various pictures of crucified people on front of a wall. On the wall, written in blood, wrote: THROWN IN MORNING'S EVERLASTING ZEST.

Ranpo stared at the pictures intently. "Its a weird phrase. Morning's everlasting excitement? That makes no sense whatsoever." Ranpo said. "This whole case, makes no sense." He added.

"It's like dealing with Fyodor all over again, except worse." He sighed. 'There's evidence, but it makes no sense. It's like a ghost.' He thought.

Atsushi's eyes widened. 'If it's a case Ranpo can't solve... Then it's impossible to close the case! No! I have to have faith in them. We are a Detective Agency.' Atsushi thought.

"Um... I know this is Random and all..." Tanizaki spoke, gaining everyone's attention.

"But where did Dazai go?" Tanizaki asked as everyone looked towards Dazai's, now empty, chair.


'Where the hell did that suicidal maniac go to now?!' Kunikida questioned.

|| M E A N W H I L E ||

"Elise-chan, I bought some new dresses for you~" Mori cooed as he looked at Elise who had cake in her hands.

"Elise~ Cake is bad for your health. Who even gave you that?" Mori questioned as he walked towards her.

"Masumi did." She replied.

"Who the hell is Masumi?" He questioned, not remembering the name. Elise tilted her head in confusion. "You're dumb, Rintaro." She stated with a Deadpanned expression.

Elise finally noticed that Masumi had left.

"When did she leave...?" She questioned under her breath.

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