21. Look at me

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He was facing her but he haven't noticed her standing right in front of him, biting her nails anxiously.

His eyes were focused on the light that was radiating from his grey laptop. She knew he didn't want to be disturbed but she have missed him, he have been on the phone screaming (most of the times) or out on meetings or on his laptop and she doesn't really fit inside his tight schedule.

But she really missed receiving attention from him, she missed his lame jokes, his weird pinches just to get her to blush, 3am talks because he can't sleep, she just missed him, all of him.

She sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck as she laid her head on his head. "You ok love?" She could feel his voice vibrating under her arms, the heat that was radiating off of him, she could feel him stopping what he's doing just to hear her answer and it made her heart fill up with joy.

He tapped his thigh, indicating for her to sit there as she happily obligated, laying her head on his shoulder. His hand made its way to her the side of her thigh softly rubbing it, soothing her.

"What's wrong darling?" She shook her head as if to convince him that there was nothing wrong while in reality all she wanted was for him to notice her once Again.

"If there's nothing wrong why are you pouting?" She let out a no I'm not making him chuckle.

"Course" he shook his head a tiny smirk still playing on his pink lips.

"C'mon baby say it" he could feel her doubting it in her mind "just spit it out love".

"I just- look I'm grateful, I'm truly proud and happy of what you have became, of what you have made to change to become better and look at what you've had up until now!"


"But I miss you, I miss seeing you, the you you. The one that makes goofy faces just to make me laugh or the one who actually smiles a lot wishing secretly that it do actually make someone's day better, not the grumpy ass face that everyone gets from you these days you look like grumpy from the smurfs"

"This is goin to sound real selfish but I really miss you making time for me whatever it is you're doing you always make time for me, now I'm thrown on the side walk and it doesn't feel very pretty, I just want you to acknowledge my presence, please" she was fidgeting with her fingers, her eyes finding how interesting her fingers are rather than looking at him, her lower lip was between her bunny teeth as her face turned crimson, as much as it was killing her she didn't really like to mouth her feelings, but they agreed to come clean and say what they feel instead of bottling up so they could avoid future problems.

His features softened as his lips pouted a bit,what she said really enlightened him because he didn't notice any of these he was so focused on his career that he let her slip out of his mind despite the love he carries for her she actually slipped and it hurt him to know such a thing about him, he really didn't mean any of what she was feeling because again he never really thought about her in the first place all he was thinking about was reaching his goal which made him drift away with it.

He carefully placed his fingers delicately on her vulnerable face as he made her look at him, her eyes still not meeting his which broke his heart, because she's always confident around him a little blush-y yeah but still confident. She would always make sure to maintain eye contact so he would always feel validated and important which always worked, because where he was, where she picked him from was hell and he needed her to go through that and without those little things he wouldn't be where he was today.

"Look at me" she was in a little battle with herself one she would absolutely lose, her eyes were trying to look at him but her unspoken insecurities were surfing and she was closing off, her legs standing up as she was prepared to leave but he of course stopped her holding her in place as he stroked her hair behind her ear so he could see her better, see her every emotion, because they would show, they always do and he needed to see, to know how she was feeling.

"It's never you baby, please let me see those precious pair of pure beauties" she blushed again very lightly barley noticeable but he noticed, he noticed how her frown turned into a tiny tiny smile, how her cheeks began collecting blood to to paint it out.

She looked at him, locking eye contact as he smiled fondly at her, his eyes softened as he scanned her beautiful face.

"I know it's been a tough year not just for me but for both of us, we've been through a lot of change, that of course changed the both of us. Through the days I think I just slipped, my mind got clouded with work that I treated you as option, I was so consistent to finally get us out of the whole shitty life because you didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve the small shitty apartment that smells like a drug dealers house no matter how many times we cleaned it, you didn't deserve those disgusting neighbors. I couldn't just take any more money from you I'm not like that and you know it I hated, I despised that you worked so hard all the time just to help us out."

"All I could think about was when will I ever get up and get you what you deserved, when will I ever be worthy? Then I just got lost, I was only focusing on getting better and better which was so wrong of me I know. I knew you cared always and I knew you do always support me no matter what and I was grateful I'm grateful really, it's just I don't know I really don't know what happened to me. I'm sorry I never really thought about talking even through we promised not to do that, I remember you trying to talk a couple weeks ago and I shut you off and I'm sorry I was truly rude I didn't mean it, and I've been thinking about it for the past couple of days but I didn't know how to start the conversation."

"I promise I will never do that again, get lost and treat you like an option. I will always make time for you because I love you I love you so much, and I'm sorry so sorry."

"Can you please forgive me because I know for a fact if you weren't here right now I wouldn't be sane."

Her tears were slipping from under her lashes as she kept wiping them, her lips trembling as she tried to keep them in "hey hey what's all that for?" his voice was deep but carried a lot of concern that just tipped her off, sobs broke out of her lips as she let out the most heartbroken sob he ever heard his whole body breaking. He held her tightly wrapping his arms around her protectively as she was squeezed in his arms feeling pure bliss that he's finally here.

"Calm down angel, it's okay, 'ts okay" he stroked her hair softly as she bit her lip trying her hardest to stop, never-mind her crying being in his arms felt like home, like when you've been so lost for so long or away for so long and you go home it feels so right so amazing a feeling that She couldn't describe, it felt warm and happy it felt good.

"I-I-I'm I'm just glad "she wiped her eyes and nose with her long sleeve as he softly kissed her head. She couldn't feel more happier. Thank you god.

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