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"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She said angrily but in a low voice so she wouldn't get fired for yelling at 'customers'.

"Uh..uhm.. oh! I'm buying a dress do you mind?"

"For yourself?!" She was on the edge of exploding. Seeing him just ticked the bomb. What happened yesterday between them was bad and she was still mad at him.

"Uh.. why not? can't I? Are you homophonic now?" He said flicking his hair that barely touched his shoulders.

"Last time I checked you were straight just by the way! Second what are you doing here? fuck, if I got kicked out because of you I'm gonna pretend that we never met" she hissed walking away organizing some clothes that weren't in their place.

"Fine I'm not here because of the dresses" she gave him that look that just screamed 'really'.

"Oh shut up! I'm here because I wanna apologize, ok I'm sorry" he sighed wrapping his hands around her tiny waist, with that he earned a slap on his hand, her face serious as hell.

"My break is in 10 minutes" she said carelessly as she looked away, greeting a customer and helping her with whatever she needed. He stood right in front of the store leaning his back against the wall, waiting for her to finish, sometimes it really pissed him off that he couldn't be the center of attention for her but again he knew that wasn't true, because she loved him and she always gave him all the love and attention he needed. And other times she would be busy for something that really mattered to her and he couldn't stop her, could he?


"We've been together for what? 4 years now, and you still refuse to hold my hand like it's a fucking crime! We fucking make out but you cuff my hands above my head so I can't touch your fucking hands. what the fuck Harry and when I talk about it you shut me down! It's like I'm asking you to cut your dick off!" She pulled her hair in frustration a habit she took from him, he sighed because he couldn't tell her and if he did, he didn't know if she's gonna stay with him or not it's never guaranteed. And he just didn't want the dream to be too good to be true he enjoyed it so much and he just wanted it to last as long as possible. Because he knew for a fact that when she knows she's gonna flee out the door she will probably think that he's insane or something so he kept it for himself and he thought everything will be alright but guess what life isn't always sunshine and rainbows.

"I just can't" he sighed looking down messing his hair with his long fingers.

"Just like yesterday great!" She huffed irritated as she stormed into the store.

. .

Her moans could be heard from next door as he kissed everywhere his eyes would land on, she was half naked, but she didn't feel ashamed or scared, she was ready for it, she knew he had been waiting for so long and he deserved it. Yes it bothered her that she couldn't touch his hands but she ignored it. Focusing on the pleasure She received from him. But when she almost almost touched his palm he jerked away so quickly as if she had electrified him.

"What was that" she frowned her heart sinking because of how he was acting.

"Sorry i.. uhm I just sorry sorry, let's just get back to what we were doing" he kissed her not wanting to go through this conversation now, not yet, he wasn't ready, he wasn't prepared, most importantly he didn't want to. She pulled away her heart breaking because it's just felt exactly like rejection and it hurt her.

"What do I do with that sorry?" Her eyes were swimming with tears that she was trying to hold back.

"Baby please please let's not talk about this right now!" He sighed rubbing his face in frustration

"Why can't you trust me and just fucking touch my hand or even hold it, fuck!" She sniffled as she shook her hand so he would uncuff her, and so he did, her feet carrying her away, taking her robe wrapping it around her petite body, going to the balcony.

"Baby you know I've my reasons" he sighed standing right next to her.

"What's your reasons?! Hm? Tell me! Fucking man up and tell me, I can't believe you still don't trust me..me Harry" she wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her robe as another wave of tears made their way down her face.

"Honey...of course I trust you! It's just maybe it's not the right time"

"Maybe it is"

He sighed as he wrapped his long arms around her kissing her tears away "I'm scared to lose you if I did" he whispered his eyes were mirroring his emotions, locking eyes she felt a little bit happy that he is finally saying something about it.

"Don't you ever think that I'll leave, never baby, never" she kisses him, assuring him that she truly meant what she said.

He broke from their kiss with a sigh "promise me that you won't ever leave or freak out when I tell you please?" His bottom plump pink lip was between his teeth in anxiety.

"I promise" she smiled softly kissing his nose to ease his nervousness.

"Okay" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath in with his nostrils, then puffing it out with an uf, green eyes bright staring at her soul.

"Look i know it will sound unbelievable, illusional, or like a fucking joke but it's not it's the truth." Her eyes encouraging him to carry on and so he did.

"I can know your deepest darkest secret by just touching your hand" his eyes were scared of how she will react, so he said it all in one breath.

"What!?" She kinda sounded sarcastic because it really sounded totally unbelievable.

"It's just what you heard"

"So you're not messing around?" Her eyebrows shoot up waiting for him to answer.

"Absolutely not" he stroked her hair away from her face looking at her.

"Wow" she breathed trying taking in what he just said.

"And I hid it from you because I was scared of losing you or knowing your secret whatever it is without even you knowing it, it would be so wrong. For me the best idea was to hide it" he looked at her studying her every move.

"So it's legit!" Her voice a little high, earring nod from him.

She rubbed her face in frustration as million thoughts and questions and doubts ran through her mind, putting her hands softly on his cheeks, softly rubbing his cheek with her thump admiring him.

"Baby, I would never hide something from you, so I'm not scared having your hand touch mine because I'm not hiding anything and i want you to touch my hand Harry, I love you" she whispered resting her forehead on his, looking deeply at his eyes.

"You sure about that?"

"Hundred percent" she smiled to him softly.

He kissed her one last time, he wasn't sure he wanted to know but she said she never hid anything from him and that kinda made him feel at ease.
His hand searching for hers as he held her delicate small hands in his large ones. Then it happened.

Flashbacks of her life flashing before his eyes till he he saw what he never wanted to see. It broke him into pieces that she was hiding such a thing, or that she was actually like that. It made him pull back from her with a deep frown messing up his beautiful features.

"What the fuck was that!?"

Part 2?♥️

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