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"Harry! stop it, stop,  fuck" I pulled away from him, his hands still on my hips, my legs wrapped tightly around his muscular body, crashed against the wall.

"What? What is it?" His lustful stare shifted in a matter of seconds into concerned one, scanning my face for any type of discomfort or hurt.

"We have to stop this Harry! this is not working. We always end up like this sometimes even worse!we can't continue talking without jumping on each other like hungry animals!" I was getting pissed off, because this is what a toxic relationship is, we really really don't talk, we barley do. And that's all because of that one stupid subject. Every time we try to be reasonable people we end up having sex, and it's making me so sad because I don't want it to be a toxic relationship I want to live with him through thick and thin, but he isn't giving me a chance!

His hand rubbed his face angrily, letting go of me. He headed towards the coach, laid his head in his large hands. Sighing in frustration.

"Look baby you know, you really know everything I have, everything I did and had done. I am doing my best I swear I just can't get engaged to you from your father because I know I'm no where near you! You are literally out of my league, and it's driving me insane. I'm just waiting for the perfect moment so I can go with you just give me time" he looked at me eyes filled with pain, meaning every single word he just said. I know but he has to understand I don't care about things like that I care about him and it all that matters. I wasn't pushing the matter out of nowhere I was pushing it because he had proposed and of course I said yes but my family has to know they have to agree as well as I did.

"Love, you know I don't care about the money or what you work or your background. I only care about you and that's all that matters to me. You mean the world to me Harry and I don't want to get married to anyone but you. But you have to help me too you have to meet my family and ask for permission for our sake baby please!" Sitting beside him, wrapping my arms around his waist, letting my tears run free as I waited for his answer.

"Me too love, me too" I felt his arms scoop me with ease into his lap as we cuddled, stroking my hair softly, kissing the top of my head.

"They are going to make me marry someone I don't even know" I whispered, biting my lower lip knowing that If he heard he's going to flip, and I'm praying to god he didn't.

"What did you just say??" His harsh loud tone made me flinch, making me cover my ears at the sound. His raised eyebrow made me feel like a child being scolded.

"They might force me to marry someone I don't even know?" I said in a little louder, looking up at him as innocent as possible.

"That's not fucking happening!!! Not in a million fucking years! Your mine. Do you understand that?!you are m i n e" he spat spelling "mine", his eyes were dark like a storm in the middle of the night. Glaring daggers at me, nodding slowly. He huffed a small breath, holding me tighter against his firm body.

"I love you god, I love you more than I should've, and I can't stop the growing feeling it's like fucking cancer" I giggled at his words, smacking his arm for relating himself to cancer.

"I love you too Harry, but please please let's try out please?" I asked as nice as possible so he could give in because I want him too, I want him to go to ask them for me being engaged without their knowledge or even worse permission is a really sensitive subject for me and I don't want to go through this step of my life without them in it.

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