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it was kairi's first day at his new job. he had applied for walmart a few months ago, but they never got back to him until a couple of days ago. kairi wasn't too fond of his job. he pictured himself working somewhere much better, but he needed a way to earn money so that he could pay for both himself and maiya.

"um excuse me sir.." a random woman whispered to kairi, causing him to break out of his thoughts. "what do you want?" he asked with attitude, he's been very moody this past week and he really doesn't know why.

"uh i just wanted to return my fan for a new one because mine didn't come with a remote so.." she trailed off, "ugh, for the last fucking time i don't do return policies!"


"go straight, take a turn to the right, keep going straight, then two turns to your left and there's your stupid answer." he finished, watching the angry lady walk away. kairi sighed heavily, having the sudden urge to throw up.

"what the—"

the petite boy cut himself off by running towards the nearest bathroom, opening a random stall, kneeling down, and immediately throwing up in the toilet. he wiped off the excess throw up with his sleeve and began crying.

to think about it, he hadn't gotten his period this month which was very odd because he never misses it.. unless..

"no, no way." kairi told himself, "i refuse to believe that i missed my fucking period because i'm p-pregnant.." it makes sense though kai. you and mattia had sex just last month, right?

"shut up."

am i right or am i wrong?

kairi swallowed the thick lump in his throat, "yo-you're wrong.. he would've told me."

that morning after.. he asked.. if you were able to get pregnant. put the pieces together, kairi.

"JUST SHUT UP!" the boy yelled, throwing up once again, "ugh, fuck! mattia would have told me, why wouldn't he tell me?"

because he's scared to become a dad so quick.

"well i'm scared too! fuck him, if this is the case. i'm gonna go buy a pregnancy test." kairi angrily stomped out of the bathroom and searched around for the aisle with pregnancy tests. "can't believe i'm actually in this aisle.." he grabbed one and paid for it, walking back into the same stall.

kairi took out the stick from the box with shaky hands as he began peeing on it, sighing heavily. once he was done he placed it on top of the toilet paper dispenser and waited a few minutes.

the wasian boy laughed at himself, "this is so silly, i'm not pregnant. the fuck?" he told himself before laughing more.

shortly after he finished his giggling he checked the test and saw the results, tears beginning to fill his eyes.

he was stunned back, it read: pregnant.

"they-they came back positive..?" kairi couldn't believe it, he really was pregnant. that explains his moodiness, the throwing up, him missing his period.

his mood soon changed from utter shock to complete anger as he tightly gripped the test, almost breaking it in half.

"oh that fucker has something coming his way."



𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑰 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 | 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊Where stories live. Discover now