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"boy no—"

the wasian paused for a second. He was currently on the phone with aloe, talking about how he's able to get pregnant whenever he'd like.

"why not? the baby would be soo adorable! i know you don't like mattia in that way, but just think about how cute and tiny it would be!"

the hispanic boy had a point. the baby indeed, would be very adorable. though, there was no way he would have a baby with Mattia. never in a million years would kairi think of mattia like that especially, after everything he put him through.

also, he's definitely not financially stable enough to even think about having a baby. he knows mattia's dad is a homophobe so there was no way he would ever get together with him. his mom on the other hand, was just your typical sweet and loving mom.

kairi is still a virgin since he was afraid of anyone finding out about him being an intersex. he wouldn't wanna be looked at differently. he knew his mom loved him no matter what so he never had to worry about her thinking of him differently. the only other person who knew that was perfectly okay with it was alvaro. he definitely trusted him with his secret. his dad however, hated kairi with a passion.

he was homophobic all the way, abusive, a drunk, and a rapist. he would come home once or twice a week just to beat the shit out of kairi and call him out his name. throw around the f slur a few times, look for things to throw at him, punch him, kick him, scream at him, blame him for the death of his mother, trash the house, and sometimes get the chance to rape him. kai would never hit him back or anything because he wouldn't dare put a hand on his dad.

kairi would never let his dad hurt Maiya either. He would make sure of that. enough about his sorry excuse of a dad. he hadn't noticed he zoned out the entire time.


"Kairi, are you okay?"

he finally snapped back into reality. he had shed a few tears while zoning out.

he wiped his tears away and hid his face in his fuzzy pink blanket. his room definitely had some girly stuff, but he couldn't care less what anyone had to say about it. it was his room after all, no one else's.

"y-yeah.. i guess i accidentally zoned out. sorry."

"no need to apologize babe, but what were you thinking about?" the hispanic asked, out of curiosity. he cared deeply for his friend meaning he wanted to know anything that was going on with him.

"just the usual.."

aloe stayed silent, hoping kairi would catch on to his clueless friend.

kairi had realized after a few seconds, letting out a small sigh. "my dad, aloe."

His friends mouth shape turned to an "o"

"does he still come around?"

kairi shook his head no. his dad hadn't come around for a few weeks. he was thankful for that. he knew if he came back this time it would most likely be alot more violent.

"the last time he showed up was maybe like last month i think. if he came back i probably would end up in the hospital."

aloe hated kairi's dad. for the obvious reasons. kairi didn't deserve the way his dad treats him. last year every time kairi would show up to school he would have new and fresh cuts and bruises. they were definitely noticeable, but of fucking course no one cared to pay attention.

"kai you know you and maiya are more than welcome to stay with me just until you feel it would be safe to go back home. which would probably be never.."

kairi loved aloe more than anyone could ever imagine. he was more than thankful to have him by his side.

"i love you, aloe. you honestly mean the world to me and i'll let you know if i decide to stay with you for a few days."

"i love you too, kai. let me know right away please. i want you to be safe no matter what."

kairi showed a small smile and said his goodbye, before ending the Facetime call. he went to his sisters room to see if she was hungry. she said she wasn't so kairi went back to his room and closed the door.

he laid in bed, staring up at his ceiling for a few minutes. he suddenly jumped a bit at the sound of his phone letting out a "ding"

he grabbed his phone and scoffed, rolling his eyes. of course, it was mattia sending him a small message.

Mattia 😐
hey kai 😄

Baby boy 🥰
why are you texting me?

Mattia 😐
what I can't text you now?

Baby boy 🥰
hurry up tell me why the fuck you messaged me.

Mattia 😐
damn can i call you daddy Kai? 😏

Baby boy 🥰

Mattia 😐

Baby boy 🥰
goodnight, mattia.

Mattia 😐
nooo talk to me 🥺
read 9:35
read 9:38
bubba 🥺
read 9:45
night night 💔

the wasian sighed softly as he kept thinking about why mattia was calling him all those cute names? was he just joking? did he actually mean to call him those names?

he sighed again. kairi was definitely the overthinking type. if something didn't sit right with him he would focus on that one situation until he gets an answer.

kairi had put his phone to charge and pulled the covers over him. he closed his eyes and let himself slowly fall into a peaceful sleep.

(a/n: it's currently about to be 2am and I have to be up at 6 something. let me know if I spelled something wrong or something didn't fit in with the story. Sleep time now, goodnight ❤️)

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