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kairi roamed the empty halls alone, or so he thought. he smiled and admired the beautiful paintings and posters up on the walls of his school. he loved to look at art, but he sucked at drawing or even trying to make a perfect circle. he couldn't even stay inside the lines when he colored. he wanted to be skillful at drawing, but he didn't have the patience.

"so you were just gonna cut me off?"

fucking mattia. kairi thought as he tried to continue walking down the hall, ignoring anything that came out of the italian's mouth.

"your mom made such an angel." mattia said, sarcastically. the wasian whipped his head around so fast that he got a bit dizzy, but he shook it off.

"don't you dare talk about my mom, mattia. don't say a fucking word about her!" kairi yelled, anger shown all over his face. mattia just had a stupid smile plastered on his face.

"but that's the only way i can get your attention, kai." mattia pouted.

kairi really didn't have much patience for anyone, especially mattia. he really despised the kiddo right now. he would totally slap the shit out of him right now if he had the balls to do it.

stay calm, kai. stay calm.

"fucking leave me alone, mattia. please i really don't wanna deal with you right now." he had an aggravated tone in his voice. he was so fed up with mattia at this point.

"you're too much of a cutie to leave alone. you can't get rid of me, kai. i will always find my way back to you." he said with such pride, softly caressing the wasian's cheek with his thumb.

"i-i m-mattia leave me alone." kairi said, blushing intently just by the touch of mattia's hand. he pushed his hand away, walking to the exit door as fast as he could. mattia was faster though.

by one swift move mattia was already blocking the door, cornering the shorter boy.

"don't leave me alone, baby."

(kind of a smut warning ⛔️ tehe! i'm not that good at writing smut, but i'll try my best!)

mattia placed both of his hands against the wall on each side of kairi's head, inching his face closer to kairi's.

"you look so pretty, kai kai. fucking gorgeous." he whispered into the wasian's ear, softly nibbling on it.

"m-mattia s-sto-" kairi let out a small moan, forgetting what he was about to say as he felt mattia connect his lips to kairi's neck, ever so gently sucking on it.

"mm i like that sound, baby. it sounds beautiful and i wanna hear more." he said, smirking against kairi's skin.

kairi let out tiny little whimpers as he got a bit needy.

no no kairi stop him now! you're ruining the plan you stupid fucking idiot!

(smut ending tehe sorry.)

kairi softly pushed mattia off of him, pouting to himself at the loss of mattia's lips on his neck. "we can't be doing this. i can't let you try to seduce me after everything that happened between us. it will never happen." kairi said in a sternly tone. he meant every single word he said. he thinks-

"w-why.." mattia let his head drop, looking down at the floor. he really had caught some feelings for the shorter boy and he wanted to express his feelings, but he didn't wanna be looked at differently. just like kairi. except kairi's explanation is a bit- a lot different than mattia's!

mattia was really good at keeping his feelings to himself. he always had felt some typa way about kairi. he really wanted to claim kairi and he was so close until kairi had pushed him away. he only blames himself and no one else. maybe if he wasn't the pussy he is, then him and kairi would already have been together by now. he could finally kiss him, cuddle him, hug him, spoil him, fucking destroy his guts and fuck him senseless.

he wanted to do all those things without his family, well more so his dad being ashamed of the thought of mattia liking guys. if his dad wasn't against the lgbtq community he would already have kairi wrapped around him. he wanted to kiss his pretty plump and pink lips so badly. not yet, mattia.

"b-because i can't trust you anymore.." he whispered, fidgeting with his own fingers.

mattia for once was shocked. like really shocked. he wanted to cry his eyes out just knowing that kairi couldn't trust him as he used to. he loved this boy with so much passion.

"k-kairi-" he was about to say something before he heard the exit door closing. he looked up and saw no one, but the reflection of himself on the door.

"fuck me.."

(a/n: yes, teaaaaa! anyways tell me if you like the story so far plss 🥺)

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