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"shit, how stupid am i? i-i need to call someone." mattia grabbed his phone and quickly dialed the number of the one person who knows about the situation.

after a few rings, he finally picked up. "mattia.. this better have gone the way it should've gone."

"we-well.." mattia started, but was immediately interrupted by alvaro's yelling.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" he pulled his phone away from his ear for a second, due to the peruvian's loud screaming.

"shut up damn. it-it.." mattia sighed then continued, "i fucked up like always and this time i don't think it could be fixed." he finished as he plopped onto his soft bed.

"what did you say?"

"i may have said that um.. that i didn't w-want the baby. which isn't true! i do want the baby and i want him too." mattia groaned.

"how stupid of you." was all alvaro replied with, he wasn't wrong though.

"i know." mattia sighed once again and gently bit his lip, "either way he won't believe me if i said that i was lying about not wanting the baby."

"well you should tell him anyway because he's really gonna need you with him at all times during the pregnancy. he shouldn't have to rely on his other friends to help him when he should be relying on you because after all, you're the father." said words was also true..

"i should give him a day or two to calm down because he's most likely extremely angry right now. well i'd expect him to be at least a little angry." mattia explained, guilt coursing through his body from the previous situation.

"agreed, but don't wait any longer than two days mattia or so god help me i will go over there and drag you myself to his house if that's what it takes for you to grow some balls and apologize and start over." alvaro warned him, mattia replied with a small, 'i know,' before they hung up and left mattia to sit in his thoughts.

kairi was currently curled up in his bed while he couldn't get himself to stop crying.

kairi stop crying over him. he doesn't want the baby then forget his sorry ass.

"i-i know." kairi stuttered as he wiped his tears away before hearing soft knocks on his door, "u-uh come in?" it sounded more of a question than a statement.

a concerned maiya stood in the doorway, "can we go.. are you crying kai?" she asked, quickly taking a seat next to the sad boy, running her fingers through his hair.

"yeah.. i have something to tell you and promise you'll be supportive of my decision.. please?" he asked, looking up at her while she simply nodded. "of course. i'll always support your decision no matter what."

hearing her say those words gave him some sense of comfort and relief as he felt much more confident to tell her everything, "well for one, i'm pregnant." he glanced up at her again to see her eyes widen and her jaw drop. "wait what?! how long?!"

"uhh i don't know exactly how long, maybe like 2 or 3 weeks?" kairi shrugged his shoulders and nervously chuckled, "not that long so i don't have a bump to show you just yet."

her expression softened then turned into excitement, "oh that's so great! i get to be a big sister!" she clapped her hands together and gave kairi a big hug. "i'm so excited!!"

kairi laughed and eventually hugged her back before pulling back to finish his story, "so that's one main thing, next thing is going to shock you way more."

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