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"k-kairi it's not what it looks like! i swear! i-i love you and only you! she was just a fli-"

"prove it."

mattia's eyes widened as he tried to figure out what to say.

"u-um how?"

"if she really doesn't mean anything to you and you actually love me, then cut her off."

mattia looked down, gulping. he really wanted to, but his dad really liked her and he was really proud of him for once. i mean it wasn't gonna be hard to do it's just he didn't wanna see his dad be disappointed in him.

"fuck you." kairi stated, grabbing his phone and walking upstairs.

"kairi wait!" mattia shouted, running after him before he could leave. who was gonna give him a ride home? exactly.

kairi walked out and realized he didn't have a ride home.

walking it is.

"kairi, stop you're not walking home alone." mattia said as he closed the door behind him.

"who says i won't?" kairi turned around to face him, wanting to get the hell away from him.

mattia sighed, "me. now would you please just let me explain."

"what is there to explain? you clearly won't cut her off so i have no choice, but to-" kairi sighed mid-sentence. "i'm not trying to get in the way of you and her."

"there is nothing going on between me and her. i-i just- my dad is really proud of me for once in my entire life and it means a lot to me. it's not that it's gonna be hard i just really don't want my dad to be disappointed in me. i'm sorry." mattia teared up a bit, hoping kairi would understand.

"yeah yeah i can understand where you're coming from, but i think it's best if we stay friends. nothing more. well maybe best friends for life, but that's it." kairi said, a small frown on his face. he really didn't wanna cry in front of him right now so he tried his best to be strong.

"b-but that's gonna be hard for us to just move our feelings aside." mattia walked up to kairi, grabbing his hands and holding them up to his chest. "i-i love you too much to push past them. please please just don't stop loving me?" he said, tears falling down his cheeks.

kairi looked up at him and just couldn't control himself. he swallowed the thick lump in his throat, tears already forming in his eyes. he laid his head against mattia's chest, hugging him tightly.

he sobbed quietly into his chest, "fuck. i love you so much, mattia. i r-really do, but i hate the t-thought of you k-kissing someone else. i wanna just have you all to myself and i wouldn't have to worry about anything. why does my life have to be so difficult?"

mattia held him close, kissing the top of his head. "hey hey i'm gonna figure something out. i promise, baby. one day it'll just be me and you and we'll live together for as long as we can go."

kairi nodded and wiped his tears away, laughing softly. "i really didn't wanna cry in front of you. i hate when i cry in front of other people."

"i won't judge because i've cried my feelings out before and it made me feel so much better. you can always talk to me whenever and about whatever okay?" mattia asked, softly lifting kairi's chin to make him look up.

kairi lightly blushed and looked into his eyes, gently smiling. "i know."

"you know one thing i love about you is your eyes." kairi randomly blurted out, still lost in mattia's beautiful brown eyes.

"oh really? that's it?" he asked, pouting.

kairi softly pushed him away and giggled. "no silly! i love other things.."

"hm, like what?" mattia got a bit closer, hovering over the shorter boy.

"u-um.. your gorgeous black hair, your soft and delicious pink lips that i could kiss any day." kairi cut himself off, staring up at mattia's lips.

mhm this manz is gonna be mine one day.

kairi kept staring, licking his own lips. "that i would love to kiss right now."

they both slowly started to lean in until kairi saw someone out of the corner of his eye, cynthia?

ooo that bitch.

mattia looked in her direction and quickly moved away from kairi, clearing his throat. "hey, what are you doing here?"

"well i was gonna come here and hang out with you, but it seems like this little f*g here is in my way of doing that!" she yelled, pointing at kairi.

kairi's jaw dropped a bit, furrowing his eyebrows. "um, excuse me who do you think you are using that word when it's not yours to use?!"

"oh shut the fuck up you ugly disgusting whore. get the fuck away from my man, bitch." cynthia said, now all up in kairi's face.

"you know what, you can have him all you want little hoe and mattia, i'm done with this bitch. i'm gonna walk home now, bye." kairi looked at mattia before he started to quickly walk home.

"can we go inside now baby?" she asked, softly hugging mattia.

mattia, who was very upset had pushed cynthia off of him to see if kairi was actually going to walk home. he sighed and saw him already turn on the next street. "well fuck you, cynthia." he said as he got into his car and started to follow the sidewalk kairi was on.

he rolled down his window to see a very annoyed kairi, "come on, kai just get in."

"no." he said, still very annoyed about what had happened previously. kairi wasn't mad at mattia he was just not trying to take all of his anger out on him. which wasn't going to work.

"please i'm just gonna drive you ho-"

"I SAID NO, MATTIA GOD DAMN! DON'T YOU EVER LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE AROUND YOU? FUCKING LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE OKAY? I DON'T WANNA BE AROUND YOU RIGHT NOW!" kairi angrily yelled, quickly running down the last few blocks towards his house.

kairi felt bad that he took his anger out on mattia, but he really needed to let some of that anger out. he turned his head around to see nothing, but an empty block. he took a different direction and walked to the cliff that was right around his house.

the wasian sat on the open grass and screamed as loud as he could. once, he finished his little screaming session he pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around his knees, hiding his face on his knees. he tried holding his tears, but of course that didn't work either.

there he was, crying softly by the edge of a cliff, regretting ever screaming and yelling at a poor innocent mattia.

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