Long (K.NJ x K.SJ)

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Jin with pussy made a comeback. Leave this book if you're uncomfortable.

It's afternoon, and Namjoon is busy with Jin, preparing their wallet money and car keys. Today, they will go to the new amusement park that just opened yesterday. And they had to be the first one amongst their school friend, right?

Also, this hang out could also be considered as "date". Namjoon thought to himself. And somehow, Jin thought the same too. But it's only one thing that get in their way to confess to each other : Jungkook and Jimin.

Jungkook, Namjoon classmate, like Jin so much and really clingy to Jin. Sometimes it will made Namjoon snap and Namjoon will made a huge distance between him and Jin. While Jimin, Jin's classmate, likes Namjoon and had been crushing for him since 2 years ago. Jimin's love is love at the first sight kind of love.

And somehow, Jimin will threatens Jin if he get too "close" to his Namjoon. Jin wont be afraid if the threatens is to kill himself or something that only involve himself. But Jimin threatens that he will spread a video of his sister, Kim Jisoo, having sex with school's fuckboy, Kim Taehyung.

And for the love of God- although Jin doesn't know how that news could get to Jimin's ear- Jin doesn't want his Jisoo reputation become bad. So he take Jimin's threat seriously.

Little did the both of them know, Namjoon had been visiting Jin's house ever since they're in kindergarten. How can they not, they're fucking neighbors for a long time!

And sometimes they like to runaway from both Jungkook and Jimin, build a house to start their very own family. But hell, they're only highschooler! Where will they find money?

So, be patient is the only key.

Back to the main focus.

Jin yelled at Namjoon, "Yah! Namjoon-ah, did you see my RJ keychain?"

Namjoon's head peek from Jin's bedroom door, "No? Why?"

"I think Jimin broke it again," Jin let out sadly. Namjoon clenched his fist, really getting enough of Jimin's bad doing.

"Don't worry Jinnie! Joonie will buy it for you later! Now, let's go, or it will get too crowded!"


"Of course it's crowded you fool, it's afternoon, not early in the morning!" Jin smacked Joon's head playfully when they get at the amusement park. The line to the ticket counter is too long, and the sun is shining brightly. It's as if the sun want to burn everyone in the amusement park.

Namjoon then excused himself, ask Jin to keep in the line. Jin nodded.

Not so long after, Namjoon walk back to the ticket line, handed Jin a plastic cup of strawberry smoothie. He got himself a mango smoothie.

"Where's the straw?" Jin asked. Namjoon shook his head, "Nah, we have to reduce plastic use, Jinnie. In fact, plastic waste is the most waste created everyday, and it's one of the biggest factor that cause global warming. We have to start reduce plastic use, especially disposable plastic, such as straws, plastic spoon, pet bottle, etc. And we should-"

"Ooh shut up already!" Jin whined. "We're here for some FUN not some ADVICE of how to use plastic!" he continued, emphasized the "fun" and "Advice"

"Just drink the smoothie like how you usually drink your water, you dumbhead," Namjoon remarked sarcastically. Author : Please consider Namjoon's word, because I have been doing that since last year! We can buy aluminium plastic straw, or we could use our water bottle, not pet bottle! Be considerable about earth, GO GREEN!

After 2 hours of long waiting, they finally got their turn. "Two tickets please!" Jin exclaimed happily. The ticket girl nodded her head, handed Jin two piece of pink and purple colored paper.

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