CHAPTER 2 - Boss

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At that moment, I didn't care that the voice threatened me last night. I only want to be saved. "Please save me!" I shouted.

The voice behind me evilly chuckled and asked again: "Nothing is for free in this world; chosen one. Are you sure you want this?"

My attacker kept touching my body and ignoring my screams and pleads."I will do anything! Just save me!" I shouted back.

The voice laughed in satisfaction and spoke to me: "Please close your pretty eyes for me." I closed my eyes as quickly as possible, and suddenly the weight that was pressing on me disappeared. I opened my eyes to see a lifeless body in front of me. A man or more, what looked like a creature from a movie, was standing near the corpse.

The creature that resembled a man had black wings sticking out of his back, and when he looked toward me, I noticed his bright red fiery eyes scanning all my 5'7 inches of height.

I backed on the wall and shouted: "Who are you!? Get away from me!"

"I told you to close your eyes, chosen one," he spoke with his gentle voice. My knees let me down, and I fainted.

I sat up to look around the room and spoke: "Where am I?"

"Hmm, lay down." a voice spoke near me.

I froze and turned toward the way the voice came from to find a shirtless man. Before I could look at his face accurately, he pulled me back under the covers.

Who is this man!

How did this happen!

After I felt like the men behind me fell asleep again, I quietly slipped from his grasp and stood near the bed. I started searching for my blouse to change out of the oversized blue man's shirt. While I was desperately looking, I kept an eye open on the sleeping man.

His heaven-sent face was perfectly framed by his morning messy black hair. The more I was looking around the room, the less I could see something that resembles my pants. I gave up looking for them, I opened the drawer and put on the first pair of pants I saw. After some left and rights around the house that felt huge, I found my way out.

Let's say that the word house doesn't do justice to the building I walked out of. It was an enormous villa with a pool, garden and more, but I didn't have time to inspect something I could never afford. I opened my phone to see that I was one hour late to work, again.

I dialled the number and waited for my caller to pick up: "Hello sleeping beauty, your godfather is here to save you."

I smiled at his little song and replied: "Morning, Casper. I'm on my way home, and I just called to let you know that I'm late because I had to take care of something more of private nature."He cleaned his throat and replied: "The boss called for you, and since you are technically one hour late, he ordered me to give you ten hours of after-hours for every hour you are late. Come quickly because you already have twenty hours."My eyes widened, and I shouted: "What!? This man is not normal!" Then I sighed and continued: "Fuck! I'll come there as soon as possible. Thank you, godfather, and see you in the office."When I arrived home, I took care of the animals, changed out of these masculine clothes. I grabbed some working papers and sprung to work.

The working day was coming to an end, and it was almost time to submit my report. I went up with the elevator to the last floor.

Megan wasn't there anymore, and I just walked past her desk and knocked on the door that led to his office.

After a moment, I heard a muffled voice from inside: "Come in, Mrs Stone."

I opened the door, walked inside to his desk and spoke: "Good evening, sir."

He took his eyes from the screen and spoke with an annoyed voice: "Mrs Stone, how did I tell you to call me?"

I placed the report on his desk and replied: "I'm sorry, sir. I mean Mr Salvatore."

He smiled and opened the file of the report. After a quick check, he spoke: "Sit, Mrs Stone. We have to talk about you now."

I looked away from him and spoke in embarrassment: "I'm sorry for being late today, Mr Salvatore. It won't happen again."

He ignored my words and spoke while looking right into my eyes: "Sit down." I did as he said, and he continued speaking: "Do you know what you are, Ella?"

Unsure of my words, I replied: "I guess an employee in your company, Mr Salvatore."

He rose from his chair and took off his jacket before he approached me. Then he walked around the table while speaking: "That is one of your roles Mrs Stone. And there is another one. That is much more important."

He placed both of his hands on the handles of the chair I was sitting on and leaned down on me. "You are something that my people call il miracolo del umanità, and some might call you the chosen one," he said while leaning down even more. I started shrinking in the back of the chair to avoid any unnecessary touches.

"Mr Salvatore, I don't have a clue what you are talking about," I said with a low voice.

He scanned my face and replied: "Oh, really?"

I turned my head to the side to break the eye contact: "Yes, Mr Salvatore. Now, if you excuse me, I have to start working on the after-hours you assigned me."

He traced his finger down my exposed neck and asked: "With whom did you sign a contract?"I turned my head to face him and spoke: "Mr Salvatore, please refrain yourself from touching your employee. It's against the policy of the company. And if you are interested in our contractors, I can send you the files via mail or paper. Now please excuse me, I have to go."

He didn't budge an inch when I tried to push him away. Instead, he spoke while eying me: "I think that is time that I enlighten you a little, even though you are not mature enough. It's only proper for my future fiance to know what she is."

I tried to push him away again, but this time harder. "Mr Salvatore, I'm nobody's fiance, and I think it'll be best for our ways to part before something unavoidable happens," I said.

He wrapped his around my waist and spoke: "You are not my fiance yet. Now tell me did you met or spoke to a tall stupid-looking being called Tom? Tell-"

Before he could end his sentence, I slapped him. He took one step back, and I rose while speaking: "As I already told you, Mr Salvatore, you should keep your distance, and I'm nobody's fiance."

I was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. He once again wrapped one hand around my waist and held me close.

"You're so cute when you try to act all strong and independent. But you still don't understand the position you are in. You are my fiance, and I will claim you now as mine." he said confidently.

I tried to slap him again, but this time he stopped my hand and spoke: "I don't fall for the same trick twice, amore mio."

"Then if you don't, please let me go," I stated while trying to free myself. My boss lifted my chin and looked into my eyes with his blue orbs.

"You are not as tough right now, as you were minutes ago," he said.

I tried to fight him, but he was too strong. He started leaning closer to my face with his. Before our lips touched, a familiar voice spoke: "Peter, you're a bad divine creature and boss. What would your elders say if they saw you doing this?"

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