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On the way back Thomas feels like he is walking away from possibility and back to the place of routine. The sleepless nights, the same daily tasks, the stone with all the names that hunt him. The name Theresa always seems to stare back at him. She saved him. He knows she did them all wrong, but in the end her loss hits him deep. This place makes him feel stuck. It is supposed to be a safe haven, but how can we find peace if every day we're reminded of the demons of our past. The moments in the woods with Newt give him hope. It makes him fantasize about building a place there, among the trees, close to a river where day can wash and collect water. It makes him feel happy and free. An new place, for new memories, with the person he loves the most. However, he could never leave Minho and Brenda and all the other survivors. Everybody has it hard and tries to leave the past behind. 'We need to stop living like we're still on the run. This camp, it just gives of this vibe, like one day we might need to pack our bags again and find a new safe place. I think it is time that we move forward, move to a new permanent staying. We're all in desperate need of a clean slate, a chance to let the past be and not keep being stuck in it.' 'I think you're right Thomas, but we can't forget that some people have settled in in this place. For them this might feel like a home.' 'You once told me that you would follow me anywhere. I think that it is time, Newt. Please, will you help me convince the rest that it is time for a clean slate.' 'I'm sure they will follow you anywhere, Tommy. So don't be in a rush and give people the time to believe in your plan. Then everything will be fine, I promise you.' They reach the camp where everything is the same way as they left it. Thomas takes a deep breath and tosses the sack with berries on one of the tables. He walks to the center of their camp and takes place in front of the big stone. 'Hi guys, if I may have your attention for a moment. What I'm about to day or suggest, will for some people be a relieve and for some an unwelcome change of events. I, personally, feel stuck. Every day we get up, do the same tasks and we fall asleep in the same tent as we slept in since we got here. Some of you will call this home, I call this the place where we first stayed after this whole sickening journey ended. For me this place that belongs to the past. I would like to begin a new journey or even so a new life. I think it's time we start to build a home, a real home, somewhere in the woods or another place that suits everyone. See, I know some of you are attached to this place, so I would like to purpose that the people who are ready for a new beginning start making a foundation in the woods near this camp. In this way everyone can move on at their own time, but we're still together and close to each other.' Thomas looks hopeful around him. Newt gives him a nod and mouths the words; 'Well done, mate.' The quit fades away as soft voices start to debate with each other. You can see the hope sparkling in people's eyes, but also the fear and sadness about leaving this place behind. 'I honestly think you have a point Thomas, it is clear that people have different feelings about his place. This seems like a good middle ground for both groups', says Minho with a slight smile on his face. The crowd seems to calm down and play with the idea in their head. Satisfied noises bring a soothing wave a calmness over the place and Thomas feels like he can finally breath again.

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