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hello baeesss. i deeply apologize for being gone for two months (i've missed four updates, i know i know) but i struggled so much with my anxiety and experienced the worst of it. i could say more, but not today bc i feel fine and today is not the day for venting but for yalls to read this chapter.

all that aside, i'm running for student council vice president in my school, (WHICH IS SO WEIRD BC AIKO IS ALSO STUDENT VP?? ok wait i just realized this. it just settled in oh my god.) ok ok. i wrote this a year ago and suddenly it manifested. i hope i get rich like aiko is too. damn. pls pray for my good vibes. i dont want anything that has happened to aiko to happen to me bc i've tortured her badly. i just want the money </3

CLOUDS. They seemed to follow me wherever I go. As a child, I could say the same thing about the moon, but I didn't feel all too important to be followed by a celestial planet. The moon was reserved for fairies and princesses, those who had the power to siphon from it. To communicate. I was merely the watcher. Instead there was clouds, these wisps of cotton that seem to come from all shades of sheep. Maybe it wasn't as pretty. Though I remember, they drew light to it, in my science class from which ever year I was. Clouds could be clear, be spun around the atmosphere, it could hold rain. It could shroud the moon.
Sometimes, I wish I could pull rain from the clouds and drown this world whole.

There was no rhythm to the rain that stopped falling hours ago.

I was still at Jordan's house at Sunday morning. It was around eight, and I was mindlessly scrolling through my phone in my room. I sighed, my hand limps and my phone falls on the mattress. Turning, I face the white ceiling.

Sometimes, a part of me wished for a text to pop up on my phone telling me to come home.

Maybe then, I wouldn't be so alright with staying at my friend's house longer than necessary.

I don't allow myself to dwell on this thought for too long and instead bolted upright, my feet hitting the warm wooden floorboards. Probably insulated.

Shivers run up my entire body at the first warm thing it touched since that coat over my shoulders. I smile softly in delight.

I stand, and I wait until the faint dizziness subsides the new adjustment before I let myself walk towards the shower, my towel already in hand.

I only had to click a button on the wall for warm water to sputter from the tiny dots engraved in the ceiling and fall on my globed shoulders like warm rain.

When the glass doors started to fog and mist flows around me, I was suddenly aware of my body's condition.

Whatever pain on my body that the night cold had numbed me from, started to melt. My leg muscles strained in a tight line, my back stretching sore whenever I bent down to scrub my legs.

But the real damage was to my right ankle, I groan as a feel a pulsing ache. Angling my feet, there was a purpling bruise below the ball of my ankle and ran around it like a crescent moon.

My school clothes were already hung and dried, courtesy to Jordan's light night laundry washing. So when I got out of the shower, I dried myself with a warm towel and tentatively wrapped translucent tape I got from my duffel bag around my feet.

I wasn't quite sure how to wrap, but I've seen Bennett do it once to Marco when he injured his shoulder from a wrong push-up. The shoulder is far from the ankle, but that was good enough.

The last remaining minutes, I pull myself together as quick as I could. Actually, no. I have no reason to rush. So when I got my skirt on, I took my sweet time straightening out my blazer, re-pinning my brooch that is in desperate need for an upgrade.

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