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And with that, I ran.

I shove the three drunk people that were in the way of my exit and I didn't care for a moment when they fell groaning behind me. I hastily go down the stairs, my heels touching cement when I get down the last step.

The men weren't that far behind. I could hear them shoving each other trying to fit through the back door at the same time but I didn't have enough time to look behind me and see.

"You fucking bitch!" One of them screams, I run faster.

"You're the bitch!" I taunt, looking behind me.
My face falls when I realized that wasn't such a good idea because they were catching up quickly than I ever imagined them to be.

I run as fast as my heels could take me, silently crying on the inside when they were hurting me more than ever with the force of my running.

I try to blocking them from nearing me as much as I could. Pushing trash bins behind me, throwing a bystander's burrito in their faces and even went as far as throwing a dog to slow them down.

"I'm so sorry Max." I apologize breathlessly as I continue to run, catching glimpse of the dog I had thrown at them earlier.

When I looked back one more time, there was a small relief when I see that the dog seemed to slow them down.

I was running without even looking where I was heading in front of me, too worried to see if they're gonna catch up.

Something hard blocks my way and I lose my balance, making me fall face flat on some hard metal.

The metal created a loud bang, and I groan, trying to pull myself up. My body was so heavy it felt glued to what I realize, was the front of a car.

"What the fuck?" A voice says beside me, my head slowly turns to the direction of who just spoke.

Behind some glass, was the face of someone I knew.

"Aiko?" He says, confused.

"Bennett?" I ask, even more confused.

My eyes slowly turn to the driver beside Bennett, it was Ryder.

I feel some bitter emotions in me when I see his face, so blankly, I say. "You're blocking my way."

I look behind me and I see the four men running towards me, faster than ever. "When I catch you you're fucking flayed!" I widen my eyes when he holds up a blade, his jagged lips forming into a wide smirk.

"Who the fuck?" Another voice gapes, but it wasn't Ryder or Bennett.

It was like the life in me was brought back to life and in a second, I go over the front of Ryder's car like some track star and when my aching feet touched the cement, I was about to run when a hand around my wrist tugs me back.

It wasn't like I even had the choice. Someone grabs me by my waist and throws me inside the car, I land on something hard. "Ouch!"

Before I knew it, Ryder was speeding off. I hadn't had the time to hold onto something and my nose bumps behind Bennett's seat, making me curse out loud and hold my nose in pain.

When I finally open my eyes, It was when I realized that I was on the laps of both Jordan Edison and Nathan Miller.

"What the fuck?" I ask them both. I quickly sit myself up, pushing myself off both of the boys to look behind us, sighing in relief when I see the four men standing in the middle of the road, going farther and farther away from us.

The harsh midnight air whips my hair back, I had to clip it back into a bun since it fell when I was running.

I sigh, sinking myself back into my seat, cramped in between Jordan and Nathan.

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