•Chapter 31•

69 6 2

•Word Count: 3,300


Previously on HID:

-When Elias arranged for Mira to fight Cordelia, he promised that absolute privacy is her reward if she wins, which she does.

-Mira and Armin are on their own personal investigative mission to uncover the secrets behind her father's messages and the anonymous riddles.


Nobly, Elias remained true to his word, I realize as I take another glance through my rear view mirror just to ensure I'm not being followed by Helia, Jorah or any of Elias's men.

But because I'm too paranoid for my own good, I pull over at the curb to text Clara, asking her to check through her balcony for any sign of Helia or Jorah, since they're the ones mostly assigned to tail or accompany me.

~Clara: Helia is in the garden and Jorah went off somewhere with Elias~

Now I'm good to go.

I get back on track, driving down the familiar road to Colmar, with a much lesser sense of apprehension since I snuck out this morning.

Admittedly, I didn't exactly sneak, but rather walked out the gates and took a cab to the supermarket farthest from my place, in an unnecessary trip, just to see if I'm being followed and when the coast turned clear, I went back to our neighborhood to get my car, which I've parked just behind the closest supermarket to our house.

Life couldn't have been any simpler.

The few papers and envelopes sprawled on the passenger seat are tempting to open and look into, but I know better than to drive with a divided attention.

I arrive at Colmar in record time, parking next to Aurick's car at the driveway. I suck in a breath, wondering if Aurick shared anything about what he's learned at the event from Friday, or worst, if he mentioned my working at the Airline without even a high school diploma, which is the ultimate prerequisite for working as a flight attendant.

The front door swings open before I even knock, and Aurick stands at the doorway, one foot out and the other in. He looks like he was taking the trash out, but he's standing there looking at me with the black bag held in one hand and the doorknob in his other. And I realise one thing.

I don't think I've ever been more relieved to see Aurick before, especially after our recent encounters. I jog towards the doorway, pulling Aurick outside and shutting the front door and earning myself a mystified look from him.

One second I had everything I want to tell him organized in my mind, the next, I don't. Instead, I'm filled with a little more trepidation now. He continues to eye me expectantly.

I'm picking at the edge of my sleeve now, "You haven't mentioned anything about the event to any of your parents, right ?"

His frown smoothes down and his whole face relaxes, before his eyes narrow slightly as if he's in deep thought. I just hope this petition doesn't give him leverage to dictate me around.

"I haven't and I won't,"

My chest deflates immediately as I've been holding my breath for longer than the average human being. I didn't even realize I had my breath held in.

"In one condition,"

My stomach clenches tight. He goes to dump the trash into the trash can, dusts his palms, and walks back to my side. 

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