•Chapter 7•

363 54 113

•Word Count: 1,690

The next day, I'm late for school, as per expectation, and I'm running down the labyrinth of halls to get to my first class -Calculus- held in room 21, which I have to ascend a flight of stairs to get to.

Mercifully, it seems the teacher is late too, because from the top of the stairs, I can spot the kids lazing by the room's door.
I walk slower, attempting to catch my breath.

A group of girls brush by me on their way to the room, one of which turns, smiling easily and muttering a benevolent "Sorry".
However, her smile immediately falters when her eyes meet my own, hers flaring slightly with recognition, right before her mouth slowly curves back into another genuine smile, her eyes lit with exhilaration.

"Mira!" Joe exclaims, throwing her arms around me in an affectionate hug.
As glad I am to see a familiar face here in this sea of strangers, her enthusiasm still throws me off for a second.

"I didn't know you went to Garnet High" She voices my exact thoughts.

"I-" I'm interrupted by the swarming of students into the classroom, indicating the teacher has arrived.

"Come on, we'll catch up later" Joe tugs my hand as we follow the crowd into the classroom.


Joe and I spend most of the day chatting; it turns out we have many classes together.
I have noticed her absence from the café, so I ask her why she hasn't been coming for work the past few days, to which she tells me she has been out of town for a death in the family.
That explains why we haven't met at school since my first day three days ago.
It's a godsend having her go to the same school, since I don't particularly make the healthiest example for striking up friendships.

We arrive at the café in no time, consumed in our inexhaustible conversation.
Joe continues to talk animatedly but her words easily melt into the background when a certain person saunters out of the shop.
How his presence leaves everything else insignificant beats my unsophisticated mind.

He seems just as astounded when our gazes clash, but where his surprise only manifests in his raised brows, mine is more noticeable because my next breath is accompanied by a gasp.
When he gently bows his head in greeting, I can barely return the gesture in my rendered immobile state.

I don't notice the sleek silver car parked outside the café just at the man's side, until someone opens the back door for him, and he gracefully climbs into the backseat.

"You and Sir Elias ? Didn't see that coming" Joe waited until the silver sedan has disappeared down the street before saying this.

Elias? A charming name given to an equally charming man.

I turn my head just in time to catch her wink.
Dismissing her teasing remark with a shake of my head, I barely cross the threshold of the shop when Juniper greets me at the door with a welcoming hug and a bright, "Bonjour"

After returning the 'Good Morning', I gently pull back, as she continues to hold my shoulders.

"We need to talk" Although she says this with a warm smile and an encouraging look, I can't help the nervous swallow my throat makes.
Instead of asking the 'about what' that's dangling at the tip of my tongue, I simply nod.

Joe must've sensed the need for privacy because she dutifully walks directly toward the kitchen, but not before flashing me one of her comforting smiles.
Juniper leads me out into the warmth of the afternoon sun and onto a bench situated just outside the shop, so we can sit.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you last night-" Shaking my head immediately, I wish to tell her it's not her fault, but she just holds her hand up. So, I attentively remain quiet to allow her to continue.

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