•Chapter 10•

255 47 126

•Word Count: 2,610

The two of us look straight ahead, and because we're sitting across from one another, each of us happens to be the sole attention of the other.

In other words, for the past few minutes after I nodded my response, we're studying each other's countenance, my now calmed but slightly apprehensive face and his forever attentive face. I would talk my way out of the uncomfortable silence to drive his attention away, but every word I've learned throughout my life waved its hands at me before jumping off the cliff that's my mind.

So, in response to my inability to talk, I continue to stare at him, gauging his expression for any kind of change; he, calm yet bearing a look of someone weighed down by a few pounds of guilt, studies my face, intently if I may add.

He notices everything. From the way my gaze unintentionally bounces around every few seconds to the barely there sheen of sweat coating my chin to the movement of my throat as it undulates its way through a swallow.

None of us speaks a word for a while, the sound of Élise murmuring and babbling through a drooling mess is the only background to our stare down.
He opens his mouth a few times, only to clamp it shut, saying nothing.

I realise then that he's waiting for me to speak; he's urging me to guide the conversation from now on, all thanks to my embarrassing breakdown.

"My parents-" I begin, only to be interrupted by him.

"I do recall we had a deal, but if you don't feel comfortable opening up about this, I would understand. I won't even push the subject further" He says, a gentle expression on his face.

Smiling gratefully, I can't miss the faint tug at my heart at the genuineness.

"They're both dead" I blurt out before my mind attempts to catch up.

"I'm sorry" He says, clearly apologetic and equally regretful. The deep knot between his eyebrows coupled with the sympathy that swirls in his irises are enough to prove he feels guilty for asking the question. I only shake my head.

"Go ahead. Two questions as promised" He urges, gently withdrawing his hand from where Élise was attempting to suck on his finger.

"What business do you run ?"

"Allow me to pass this question, because I'd rather show you" He says. I easily conceal the disappointment, reminding myself that it's okay, I still have another question.
I take a deep breath for this one.

"Are you by any means associated with the German government ?" Once I ask this, the anticipation urges some butterflies to take residence in my stomach but, on the downside, forces my heart out of rhythm.

"No" He says, looking me straight in the eyes. My stomach drops.

"How come ? Do businessmen usually have access to weaponry ?" I ask desperately, voice a little breathless.
I broke a rule, asking an extra question over my entitled two, but he doesn't seem to mind.
He smiles, before lowering his gaze to Élise, entertaining her for a stretch.
He is definitely associated with the BND, even if he claims otherwise.

"You ought to understand something" He begins before adjusting Élise so she's straddling his thigh, bouncing her up and down.

"My family's business runs too old a legacy; other families with the same need for the power my family holds, chose different businesses. My family's choice of business route seemed to run the leading enterprise. So, to answer your question: No, it's not usual at all for businessmen to have access to weaponry. But when it comes to a business as inveterate as my family's, it's wise to consider the personal use of weaponry an ordinary sight" He finishes, lifting Élise and rocking her when she begins to cry.

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