•Chapter 26•

85 16 75

•Word Count: 1,605

I'm not sure if Elias does this on purpose but the fact that it affects me makes me want to snap at him.

The way he gives me that indecipherable side-long glance, the way he turns the doorknob slowly and carefully, as if something horrifying might push from the room into the corridor, and the way he clenches his jaw tightly as if he's nervous -which I know he's not.

He's by no means nervous, if the way he seems to fight back a smile is any indication.

He knows something I don't.
And I don't like the way he's toying with my nerves right now.

Having had enough of the pretend suspense, I push his hand out of the way, open the door, and step inside.

There. Nothing happened.


The room is dark, too dark to make anything out, too dark to tell apart floor from ceiling, and the faint ray of light pouring from the adequately lit corridor is the only light this room has.
So when Elias shuts the door, cutting out the only source of light in, I'm left to stand in my spot in fear I might bump into or trip over something.

"Not a fan of darkness?" Elias asks from somewhere on my left. There's a hint of sarcasm to his tone, which grates my nerves.

I push the fear back, holding my head high despite his inability to see, "No, but I'm not afraid of the dark"

I hear footsteps approaching, and my ears perk up, my guard building up.

"I can relate. I hate being left in the dark," He says, footsteps ceasing.

Why do I feel these words hold a deeper meaning than the shallow comment attributed to the current situation ?

I bypass whatever stab his words deliver, "Where's the light switch?"

The room breaks into blinks of blinding light, forcing my eyes to involuntarily shut. I hear footsteps approaching me, my eyes immediately opening wide at the provocative sound.

"As much as I respect your privacy, I hate outright lies," He says, standing directly in front of me, hands in his pockets, shoulders pushed back, and legs kicked apart in a defensive stance.

My eyebrows pull together, "What are you talking about ?"

I know exactly what he's talking about.

He purses his lips, looking at a corner in the ceiling, his neck turned slightly, "There, you're doing it right now,"

I defiantly hold my spot despite his ability to easily see through my lying. I only now notice the barrenness of the room. Four white walls, high white ceiling, and yes, a white linoleum floor.

He breathes out a low chuckle, shaking his head, "I have a proposition for you,"

This gets my undivided attention, making me abandon my task of searching for whatever provides the light within this barren, all-white room.

"From this point onwards, I will call all my men off watching you," He begins, tilting his head to the side, gauging my reaction.

My heart nearly plummets to my feet. As invasive as I find his placing people to watch and follow me, I still appreciate the security it provides Élise.

Obviously, I would easily give up my privacy for Élise's safety.

Just when a minor panic attack begins to manifest, Elias puts my irritability at ease,

"Don't worry about Élise, I'll have men on her at all times, even when she's with you," He looks at me pointedly, "But I assure you, once you're alone, you're on your own."

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