•Chapter 23•

85 15 33

•Word Count: 2,436

As I look around the school's bustling main gate through the car's filmed window, I realize I missed my geography pop quiz but I also realize I could care less.

I have been waiting for the weekend to approach, so I can visit my parent's house in Colmar. The trip was deemed necessary for a number of reasons, on top of which is meeting Aurick.

I just need to get past the heavy security Elias placed as an awareness after what has happened with Clara last week. I must look like some important businessman's daughter, alighting a costy-looking black sedan with densely tinted windows.

As I skip over the steps, I pretend to adjust my backpack over my shoulder. I struggle to suppress a groan at glimpsing the same car I just rode the backseat of parking somewhere close to the entrance. The other car that tailed us continues on, probably headed for the lots at the back. They're everywhere!
Sneaking past them is impossible.

Puffing out my cheeks before realising the sigh, I shoot Armin a text, telling him that I'll be accompanying him home later today.

~Armin: sure, see you later~

When the dismissal bell rings, my heart, recognising the upcoming effort, awakes with a jerk.
I shoulder past the moving crowd of eager students towards the girls washroom, pushing my head through the pull-on hoodie I kept inside my bag.
Once dressed, I text Armin to meet me by the gates as I'm, once again, tossed from side to side by chatting students on my way.

I spot Armin from a distance, and I swing the bag off my shoulder, "Hey, your back looks lighter than mine. Here-" I hold my bag by the string as I pass it over to him, all while pulling his backpack's string off his shoulder, "Take mine. I'll carry yours,"

But of course, the issue here is not how heavy or light the backpacks are but rather the familiarity of my own to Elias' men.

Without any resistance from his part, he handles the exchange smoothly but I don't miss the look of confusion he gives me.

I pull the hood over my head and walk into the afternoon sun, immediately recognising the arising perspiration from my mismatching attire to the heat.

Armin tells me his friend lives in Colmar too and the two of them drive together there.
I listen to his talking distractedly because I'm worried one of Elias' men might see or catch me.

When we're only a few steps worth from the car Armin refers to, I finally lift my gaze off the floor, only to drop it back to the ground the second I spot a black sedan similar to the one that dropped me off, quickening my steps.

It's not until we're safely inside Armin's friend's car, that I take the deep breath that had been suspended in my chest and my heart's rate gradually slows down to normal.

Is this what being a fugitive feels like ? Because I'm pretty sure I haven't broken the law.

Or have I ?

As the car moves, I'm suddenly thankful for the densely crowded school, smiling at how the man, whom I now recognise as the one who carried Clara the other day, remains leaning against the hood of his car.

Slumping against the seat, I puff out a sigh into the ceiling of the car, pulling the hood off my head and allowing the air conditioner to dry the sheen of sweat on my face.

Armin's friend nears speed limit but skilfully evades the fine he might very well pay if he were to get pulled over.
Admittedly, though, I'm not complaining because we reach Armin's home in record time.

Once he unlocks the front door, Armin motions with his head for me to advance, following behind and dropping his bag by the entrance as he locks the door.

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