•Chapter 22•

105 17 58

•Word Count: 2,360

In utter alarm and defence, my hands shoot out, "Clara... put it down,"

She doesn't even acknowledge my presence, crying effortfully, "I can't.. d-don't want,"

"Please Clara, put it down," I say, carefully stepping forward, arms stretched and hands still open in front of me.

Her head shakes furiously, "I'm so sorry, M. I should have never-"

Clara is interrupted by a loud wail, that has both our heads turning in the adjacent room's direction. The room Élise and I sleep in.

The look on Clara's face is indescribable. Something filters in her eyes, her crying going louder and more violent, and she removes the shard away from her wrist.

My eyes droop close, my heart stings slightly from the continuous pokes of fear, and my breath leaves in a relieved sigh.

Clara's abandoning of the shard motivates me to run into Élise's room, grab her and return back to Clara's side.

Red-rimmed eyes still puking tears, she extends her arms towards me, "I miss her,"

I don't hesitate for a second as I pass her Élise, but I have to bite my lip and blink rapidly to contain the tears as I watch their reunion.
She pulls Élise flush against her chest, and cries into her neck before desperately peppering her head and face with kisses.

She then buries her head in Élise's neck and inhales so deeply, "I love you so much baby girl,"

But it's not until Élise places both her hands on Clara's cheeks and places a soft, sloppy kiss to her chin that I begin to cry.
Clara has always been Élise's best nurturer, both Élise and I know that.

And by the way Clara is squeezing her eyes so hard, I can tell Élise's reaction affected her just as much as it did me.
It doesn't even bother me when Élise starts crying along with Clara once she notices her tear-stained, slightly contorted face.

I realise, as I watch her placate Élise by wiping her own tears and smiling, that I have never loved anyone this much ever since the disappearance of my parents and my presumed significant other.

Looking at Clara -this girl who is fast becoming the third member of my very precious family- I understand the true meaning of responsibility, the true meaning of family, and the true meaning of having something so dear almost snatched away from you in the blink of an eye.

A surge of anger at the person responsible for Clara's injuries arises, plaguing my once clear thoughts.

A deep throat clearing slices through the air, guiding our attention to the door of the room. A casually attired Elias stands at the door frame, first two knuckles hovering at the open door, ready to knock.

Clara wipes her face, lowering Élise down, "Come in,"

He turns to me, dipping his chin in salute. I immediately turn my head, worried he might read the anger on my face. The invasion of the precious moment simmers inside my chest, painting my spectacles green.

The nerve he has!

I still see his figure approaching, standing close to the foot of Clara's hospital bed, "How are you holding up?"

"Very well," Clara says, flashing a bright smile that contradicts her attempt from a few minutes ago.

It's easy to notice the partially peeled off Ben Ten sticker on the bedside table, because, for the past few minutes Clara and Elias have been talking, I've been busying my eyes to avoid looking at him.

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