11: More Negotiations

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It didn't really surprise Amelia when the frog showed up in her room again. She had told it to come back again tomorrow, and it seemed to have taken her words to heart. It was where it had been before, perfectly placed on her nightstand as if it belonged there.

"How does the princess feel this evening? Feel a little more like kissing me today?" it asked as soon as the door swung behind her and they were alone.

She only glared at it before hurrying to sit on her bed. She didn't miss the mocking tone of its words. Her dress was muddy around the bottom from when she'd been walking on the grounds earlier. She looked at the trail she'd left on the floor rather than the frog, a strange pit in her stomach feeling like a thousand pounds weighing her down.

"What? Now I'm getting the silent treatment? That's not very proper for a princess."

Finally Amelia swallowed down her fear and then looked right at it, trying to make it squirm with her gaze, like her father and mother could do to anyone. It didn't seem the least bit perturbed.

"Well?" was all it asked with a cock of its eyebrow. Well, if it had an eyebrow.

She gave up her gaze with a huff and then crossed her arms. "You sure are eager, aren't you?"

It seemed to adjust a little uncomfortably. It was less confident today, though that spark of life was still blazing in its eyes. It seemed to be keeping its focus on the door, like it was expecting a guest.

"It's not easy being a frog, despite whatever you may think. I just want to get out of this mess."

Amelia leaned a little closer, untangling her arms so that one could rest on the lip of the nightstand in front of her for support. She had to remember that she had the upper hand for once. She tried to look cool and confident.

"Tell me how you got into this mess again?"

Its gaze snapped sharply to her. It looked completely taken aback by her sudden inquiry. She held back a smile.

"What? Why is that important?"

"It's just odd, is all. Being turned into a frog."

The frog gulped down on what had to be a nervous tick. It could catch the meaning in her words. She settled her face into a smile, small but knowing. In some ways, mimicking what she'd seen the frog do before. It changed its posture at her new expression; puffing up and getting serious in a stern way.

"I told you already. I was in the woods. I ran into a witch who wasn't happy by my treading on her land, and she cursed me. Simple as that." Its voice was snappy. The words didn't hit quite right, coming out bubbly and garbled with a frog's voice.

The princess raised her brows. "How strange. You know, the prince that everyone is 'making a fuss over', as you said, also went missing in the woods. Just along the border. What a coincidence." She clicked her tongue, to insinuate her remark.

The frog backed up, as if it could physically get away from her interrogation. It nearly ran into her hairbrush. She tried her best not to smirk. She was right! It wouldn't be having such a reaction unless she was.

They were making intense eye contact now; a soundless exchange that they both knew would change everything.

Admitting defeat, the frog finally sighed. "So, you know then."

Amelia stayed still, keeping her face neutral and breathing evenly. She wanted the words to come out of the frog's mouth on their own. She needed to hear the frog say it.

The confession, the truth, dropped from the frogs lips a little unceremoniously, but the words were weighted as lead.

"I'm the missing prince."

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