26: Duel

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Though it was midday, the overhead sun didn't feel as hot as it normally would. The wind was cold, almost biting on Theo's face. He was lucky he'd come out to the courtyard in long sleeves. Traditionally he wore his plated armor while practicing his sword, but today they were using fake swords, and so he wore a simple leather tunic and a tan, cotton shirt underneath.

Cas had insisted on wearing armor even with fake swords, citing the fact he was indispensable and therefore must always be cautious. Theo had almost tackled him to the ground for that comment alone, but he'd already been wearing his armor. The crown prince wore light, durable, silver scaled armor; minus the helmet and gauntlets. I guess your hands and head aren't so indispensable, Theo thought with an inward smile.

They were almost lazily practicing; their stances open and feet bouncing. It was ridiculous to pantomime their actual practices, and if Theo had to spend another hour out here faking to get Amelia to come down he might just go insane.

Castiel, the brilliant planmaker, was making exaggerated noises, being as loud as he could. He was not good at acting, Theo thought to himself. He almost said as much before he had to evade an actual stab.

With a swing at his older brother's midsection, which was tactically evaded with a large step back, he whispered: "Don't you think it's a bit obvious we're doing this right outside the library?"

It was true. The library windows were above them, darkened enough that you couldn't see what was inside. The dark walls of the castle were nearly blinding to look at in the sunlight.

With a considerable downward swing, Castiel's wooden blade met with Theo's in the middle, with Theo below and Castiel almost curled in looking down at him.

"It's simply luck that the courtyard is near the library, Theo. Now make some more noises."

Theo snorted, pushing upwards as he broke the hold Castiel had. They moved backwards, back to circling each other.

"Like what? Should I start growling?"

"I was thinking more of a shout of fear for your life."

With that comment Theo charged, a laugh escaping his lips.

"You wish!" he exclaimed, and their blades met again with a loud thunk. The heavy, dull sound wasn't as satisfying as real blades, but Cas was too nervous to practice with real ones today.

It actually surprised Theo when he saw Amelia walking towards them. He hadn't thought Castiel's "plan" would work. But here she was, like a fish to the bait.

"You guys are making an awful lot of noise," she said as she got closer. She was wearing a lavender chiffon dress today, looking dainty and pale in the sunlight. One of her bodyguards was with her; the skinny one with the goofy smile. Theo noticed she was making a point of not looking at him. Instead she had an easy smile aimed for Castiel.

The older prince brought down his blade and turned around to face the princess, giving her a small bow.

"Please excuse us, we were just trying to get some practice in. It's been too long since we've had a real duel. Brother against brother."

Theo raised his brows, staring at his brother's back. A real duel? This was anything but.

"You taught me never to turn my back on the enemy. I see pretty girls have an effect on you in battle, much as it would a normal man."

Castiel hissed some not nice words under his breath before Amelia finally came to face them. She looked tired; her eyes were puffy and face paler than normal. Her freckles were stark against her face, her hair tangled. Theo realized he meant the words pretty girl, even if she looked a bit disheveled. Must be the dress. The triangle cut sleeves were quite nice.

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