The Date pt. 2

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This is a part 2 of The Date that was requested by VarianFanficFan, so go check them out if I haven't already. I also edited the last chapter so it makes more sense, but let's get on with it, shall we?

~3rd person POV~

It was Saturday, and (Y/N) was panicking she didn't know what to do. 3 days went by so fast for her. It is 11 o'clock and still not remotely ready.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"I'm a panicking mess! I dont know what to wear. Should I take a shower?! Should I do my makeup?! What am I thinking. That I'm just going to go up to him and say "Hey I have feelings about you too. Do you want to be my boyfriend!?" Like I suddenly have courage!?" I kept rambling on and on to myself. So I went to take my shower, get dressed, and put on a bit of makeup. Then she headed out at 12:30.

~Nezu's POV~

I was trying to find a good suit to wear. But I can't find the right one. (We're going to say he is 3 feet tall, okay?) I hope she didn't forget. I found the right one and went to take a shower and got dressed. I even made tea 😊.

"What time is it?" He checked his watch, and it read 12: 30. "Oh dear. Looks like I have to go." He left and walked to the playground to wait for her.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was walking down the street and found the park. There, he was sitting on the bench where we used to meet before we went for college. I walked to him and sat down next to him. "Hello." She said with a smile on her face.

"Hello dear." He smiled back. Then, I got up. "Follow me dear." He said, walking into the forest that was behind them.

"Okay." She said, following behind him.

~3rd person POV~

They walked the trails for 10 minutes till they came across a gazebo.

(What the gazebo looks like)

They walk in, and theres your favorite drinks and pastries on the wooden table.

~Nezu's POV~

"Oh my goodness, this place is beautiful. You even remembered my favorite pastry and drink. Thank you!" She said with the biggest smile on her face.

"You're welcome, dear." I smile back. I take a seat next to the food, and she sat on the other side. /She is so pretty. I wonder if anything changed in the years we've been apart? She looks happier.


We were playing at this very playground. A kid was bullying me because I was an animal that could talk. They wanted my lunch, so SHE stepped in she was strong and beautiful, and above all else, she was one of the outcasts. She was weird like me, but she was like all the other kids pretty, strong, and easy to get along with. But she had so much energy and was like if hufflepuff had a dark side, she was funny, but she could get dark. But she got in trouble because she fended them off so I could go and ever since then we met at that playground. The next day, it happened again, kids bullying me over the fact that I'm an anime

      ~End of Flashback~

"Um.. dear, could I ask you something?" I asked her with the most confidence I had left.


"W-would you like t-to be m-m-my girlfriend?"




Hell, YES, I LOVED MAKING THIS okay, so this is going to be a 3-4 part thing because I have a couple of ideas for where this date goes, so stay tuned for it and 633 words! I hope you like this VarianFanficFan. I'm trying my best. Any way good bye my little angels and demons have a good night or day.

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