Bandages and Bruises

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Nathan drove me to the hospital. I kept telling him i didn't need to go that id be fine at home but he wanted XRays. He said if anything was broken he would take it to court. He knew the degree of my ribs from mom so he said if it was worse that would even help his case.

We pulled up and he made me wait in the car while he got a wheelchair. I could walk but he said he didn't want me hurting myself more than i had to. He came back with the chair.

"Here use my arm to help getting yourself in the chair." He said holding his arm out. I grabbed his arm and he helped me in. I winced as i exited the car and got in the chair. I was starting to think maybe the chair wasn't a bad idea after all. He handed the keys to valae parker and said that if he hurt his car he was going to hurt him. The guys face was of pure shock and fear. He nodded and slowly grabbed the keys walking out to nathan's car. Nathan proceeded to push me into the emergency area. He asked for Mrs. A La Carte. She was the doctor that saw me after mom. The nurse gave us a room and told us she'd be in after the patient shes with now. Nathan lifted me into the bed setting me down gently and then sat on the chair beside the bed. It was a little green chair they provided for family members to sit and wait with.


20 minutes later there was a knock and then she walked in.

"Hey Max, surprised to see you here again. Report says more bruising and XRay wanted. Can i ask what happened?"

I looked at nathan and he nodded allowing me to tell her. I started with from the time where i saw them; then skipping to where i ran into them, and then to where i got abused and had to call nathan. I kept it slightly vague since i doubt she wanted to know that i went to english class and all that. I gave her a pretty descripted time frame of the abuse.

"Alright well we definitely are gonna try to get some scans. Probably a XRay and cat scan and since you did take some blows to the head i would recommend a MRI But that is fully up to you since you guys do have to pay for medical bills." she said clicking away on her computer typing out a vague description of what i told her.

"We aren't paying for this. The school or family of the kid who did this is. We already spoke to the school and they are fully on board with it. I'm not trying to be rude and make them pay a ton because i know the parents have to pay the bill and its not their fault its their kids'; but i want a MRI just to make sure no brain bleed are happening. He may not be a man yet but this is my little bro no matter what he came out of the womb as." Nathan stated grabbing my hand. I smiled over at him.

"Alright i'll get those set up and then we'll come back in a minute and prepare to transfer you. We'll take the bed with us to make it easier on you so you don't have to move as much. Just make sure you don't try to drink anything till we get done just in case we have to emmit you. I will have a nurse come in and do a little routine check while im out setting things up." she shut the computer off and walked out.

A nurse walked in and did the little routine check. I made nathan look away when she asked me to take my shirt off. He turned the chair around and got on his phone. Even tho i identified as male my body still didn't. She gave me some ice wraps for the bruises while i wait. She tied it around me and i slid my shirt back on letting nathan know it was cool to turn back around.


I finally went for my scans. They took forever. The MRI was 45 minutes! They had a 10 minute one but noooooooo nathan just had to ask for the longer one. I didn't get a say for being a minor. It was bullshit. I had finally finished tho and they told us to wait in our room till results came back. I turned the TV on and went to disney channel. Austin and ally was on. I loved this show. It was the best one. Trisha was amazing she was so goofy and delirious. She may be an air head but it was funny. I waited a good 40 minutes before they came back. They had a light board and put my scans up. They showed my old scans on one side and my new ones on the other. Everything looked the same, i had a slight fracture on my wrist but they said it wouldn't need anything extreme it would heal on its own with a small brace; but no heavy lifting for at least 2 weeks. They gave me a 100 pound limit maximum, but they preferred nothing over 50 pounds. Nathan thanked them and they got my brace. It was a simple one with a strap between the thumb and index finger and then had velcro wrap around it. Once in place we signed the release forms taking a paper that basically explained that i shouldn't lift anything over 50-100 pounds and to wear the brace for 2-5 weeks. Then she gave me a paper for school stating i got medical care. She said she would mail us the bill when they got it filed.

We walked out thanking them and heading home. Nathan was still pissed tho. He kept saying that this shouldn't of even happened in the first place. Once we got home we ate some chili and oyster crackers and went to watch TV together. We agreed on Grey's anatomy, we had been binging it for a while. He was farther than i was but he didn't mind back tracking. We were on S7-E11.

Around 9:30 i told him i was going for a shower and then to bed. I still wanted to go tomorrow so i didn't get to far behind. The school year just started i couldn't afford for my grades to start failing now. He softly hugged me and told me goodnight. He marked where we stopped on a little notebook and then went back to where he was.

Once undressed i looked at my body. You definitely could tell i was abused; it reminded me of mom. I hated her so goddamn much. She made it nearly impossible to see a future of being a male. She constantly shit talked me of it. I pulled myself from my thoughts, she's not around anymore i dont have to worry about her. Maybe tomorrow i can talk to nathan about possibly going in the city to talk to a T doctor. I know i'll have to go through therapy sessions first but i didn't mind. They basically do that to show you to love your body how it is and see if you still want to do it. I'm not ashamed to be a girl i was fine with my body, it just didn't match mentally i felt like it wasnt who i was meant to be. Its hard to explain fully but this just wasnt me. Never was.

I dragged myself through my shower. It was painful trying to wash my body but i got through it. I climbed the stairs to my bed plugging my phone in and turning my main light off turning on a faint blue light on my strips. Once everything was in place i turned my TV on MC Music. I Turned on sleep setting so the screen would go black but still play so it wasn't bothering me. I turned it up where i could just barely hear it and laid down. Soon i fell into a deep sleep.

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