Chapter Forty Three

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Your POV

Spending New Years alone with my daughter wasn't my original plan.

I'm definitely not complaining because I'm spending it with my baby. But the way it was handled had me pissed the fuck off. 

Christmas was five days ago, I had asked Kylie to unblock me five days ago.

In which she did unblock me today (a couple of hours ago).

But like I stated , I wasn't complaining about being with Stormi. It was just how last minute she told me. I was literally in a fresh ass fit, smelling good, about to walk out of the door. But I was greeted with my daughter, with a nanny (I didn't know), and a cryptic text message basically saying I get two days with Stormi out of the week.

I had talked to Brandi about the situation, which was becoming a normal thing nowadays. And she just called me bitter as usual.

I know she was tired of me ranting to her, because every time I did she recommended me to her therapist. 

In which I always declined.

I fucked up, but I'm not mentally fucked up. 

Far from it.

She didn't think that though. In her words I wasn't acting like the 'normal' Y/n, I was 'changing for the worse'.

And I'm not gonna lie, that shit hurt my feelings. 

Just because I made a mistake didn't mean that I was 'changing for the worse'. I'm just human, I couldn't be perfect all the time

Now I was just chilling with Stormi, reading her one of my all-time favorite children books Goodnight Moon, while occasionally watching time pass by. 

As I started on the last page of the book, the ring notification sounded through my phone and house getting both Stormi and my attention. 

"Who the hell," I reached over, grabbing my phone to check who was at the door. 

"Ashaley?" I stood up with Stormi in my arms, the girl instantly putting her head in the crook of my neck as I walked to the front door.


"Baby Zaddy," She held out walking into my house, bag in hand. "Hi Stormi." She tickled Stormi's neck, getting a giggle out of her.

"Ashaley, what's wrong?" I asked out of concern. 

She was basically seven months pregnant, popping up at my house at damn near midnight on New Years Eve, something had to be wrong. 

"Nothing." She waddled past me and into the living room like this was completely normal.

"What?" I said to myself as I slowly trailed behind her. "Why you here then?" I asked and the girl glared at me before slowly sitting down. 

"My bad," I chuckled lowly. "What's going on?" I looked over her, standing behind the couch. Putting Stormi down when she started to wiggle in my arms.

"Why is there an air mattress in here?" She completely ignored my question.

"I can't walk up the stairs," I answered her, holding Stormi's hand as we moved around the couch. "Why are you here though?" I repeated my question and she let out a small huff.

"I figured you were gonna be lonely so I came over." She shrugged while a sly smile arose on my face.

I know that her saying that really was just code that she didn't want to be lonely. 

As much as we bickered- well she bickered at me. I know that she loved to be around me. Of course completely platonically, but she loved my presence.

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