Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ashley ^ 😩

Your Pov

I opened my eyes slowly, immediately squeezing them shut in an attempt to sooth the pain from my throbbing head. I tried to turn over to my right side, but Instead I fell completely off of whatever I was laying on. 

"Fuck man." I groaned looking around fully seeing that I was definitely in my own living room, but I had no idea how I ended up here. I stood up from the carpeted floor stretching out my limbs, feeling relieved as bones throughout my body cracked. 

"This nigga finally up." Saiyr voice projected loudly from the kitchen making me frown up and place my hands on my temples. "Y/n don't come in here without brushin your teeth man." Emaza said from the kitchen as I turned the corner to where they were. 

"What?" I questioned as they both moved to the opposite side of the room from me. 

"You threw up three times yesterday, don't even come near us." The two said from in the corner, attempting to hide behind each other. 

"All the times I took care of y'all funky asses," I continued to look at the unbudging girls in the corner. "Aight remember that." I joked with them before heading up stairs to straighten up. 

"Get in the shower too while you up there." I heard them yell as I reached the top of the stairs.

I made my way into my bedroom, immediately seeing clothes and my bed sheets spread all over the floor throughout the room. It honestly looked like I had my own damn party in here. 

Stripping down to my bra and boxers, I placed the clothes in the pile of shit then made my way to the laundry room to start a load before moving back into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror mumbling a low 'what the fuck' as I saw small letters on the front of my neck. "Stormi?" I read rubbing my hand across, seeing even more ink scattered on the back of my hands.

Shaking my head at my dumb decisions, I quickly got in the shower and examined my body to see if there were anymore drunken tattoos that I got yesterday

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Shaking my head at my dumb decisions, I quickly got in the shower and examined my body to see if there were anymore drunken tattoos that I got yesterday. Luckily I only found one more, which happened to be my dad's birth day above my knee cap.

Completely cleaning the smell of alcohol off of my body, I got out of the shower and threw on some clothes before heading back downstairs to the two sisters. 

"Your food is in the microwave," Saiyr said from the island as I entered the kitchen. "Ibuprofen is over there." She pointed at the bottle of pills that was already paired with ice water.

After popping two pills, I pulled the semi warm food out of the microwave then moved to sit in the middle of the two sisters who were strangely quiet. 

"Soooo," I dragged out "How was the party?" I questioned while taking a bite of the hash browns they had gotten me from Waffle House. 

"It was lit as hell," I smiled at Emaza response. "Until we had to find your drunk or high ass, I don't even know, getting tattoos." My smile quickly faded as she brought up last night. 

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