Chapter Fifty Seven

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Merry late Christmas y'all. I hope everyone had a healthy and safe holiday! (if you celebrate of course.)

This is the last update of 2021. Thanks, everyone for sticking with me cause I know it can be annoying when authors rarely update. 

So next year imma try to be more consistent for y'all!


Kylie's Pov

"I ain't touching another damn steering wheel ever in my life." Y/n said as we entered the resort-like home we would be staying in for the next week. 

"I told you we could've flown," I watched her throw our bags down on the floor. "But no, you had to make this a road trip. We wasted nine hours when we could've been here in one."

"I'm not risking getting sick... So I don't wanna hear it right now." She basically jumped onto the couch, spreading her limbs out fully. "I'm about to take a nap." My eyebrows raised at the statement.

"Let's tour the house first," I started towards Y/n. "Then you can sleep." I finished; looking at the girl whose eyes were already shut. 

"Y/n," I called out. "Y/n... I know you hear me." A small smile rose to my face when a smile appeared on hers. "You play entirely too much." I climbed on top of the girl, now looking down at her. 

Honestly taking time to admire her. 

Obviously, I'm extremely attracted to her. But actually paying attention to the small details, she is literally perfect.

Her lashes were long, perfectly shaped eyebrows, skin clear as day (even though she didn't have a consistent facial routine which is annoying).

But, I could go on for days honestly.

She's always the one saying that she is lucky to have me, but I'm just as lucky as her.

She doesn't need the same amount of reassurance that I do, but thinking about it. I definitely could reassure her more because she literally is my other half.

She definitely has her flaws, plenty of moments where she doesn't make the best decisions.

But disregarding her mistakes and speaking in general, she is perfect for me. 

I can't wait for our future together. 

Things like when we officially move in together, have more kids... Get engaged and then married. 

I wonder if she has even thought about that. At least on a deeper level than her saying that she is going to marry me.

I'm curious. 

I want to know if she has a year range of when she's going to propose... Or If she has been working on designing a ring... Or even if she knows my ring size. 

I have plenty of questions for her, but I'm keeping them to myself since we just got back together. 

But sooner rather than later I would want to at least be engaged. Obviously that's only if everything is still going well between us. 

But as of now, I don't see any future problems with our relationship. I can't tell the future but everything feels in place for the first time in a long time.

We'll see though...

Hopefully, everything stays in place for a year or two and she pops the question. 

I doubt she will... But there's nothing wrong with having hope. 

"Why you looking at me like that bruh?" I rolled my eyes at the girl as she pulled me out of the trance I was in. 

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