Chapter Twenty One

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Your POV

"What's up ya'll it's Danileigh and I'm here with the one and only Y/n Y/l/n," She faced her phone camera towards me as I put up a peace sign. 

"And we just released our song Easy, It's streamin everywhere so goin head and check it out." She said before looking at me. 

"Don't sleep on this song y'all cuz Dani cold with them vocals." I said putting away my phone to fully join the video. "And we have a music video coming soon, so stay ready for that." I finished as she ended the video. 

"Whenever you post that imma re share it." I said while moving towards my chair that was on set of the video shoot. 

"Ok, thats cool." The older girl said trailing behind to sit next to me. "Kylie is cool with this video right... because there is going to be some touching?" Dani asked 

"Yeah she coo, It ain't like we finna be kissing or nothing." I chuckled out nervously actually not knowing the complete plan for the video.

"Well let me get dressed real quick so we can get started and you can get back to your wifey." She got up and started the walk towards her room. 

Not too long later Danielle came back with my new brand, Black Pyramid sweats on so we could film the first scene. "You finna have me in this video looking stupid ass hell" I stood up from the chair and walked outside to where the first scene would be filmed. 

"You told me you knew how too dance." She hoped in the passenger seat of the truck while I went to the drivers seat. "I'm fine with the dancing, I'm just out of shape sis." I said waiting for the director to call action. 

"Real life proof of looks can be deceiving." She quickly said shadily as the director yelled action. 

As soon as Dani was about to start her line a phone rang in the distance making us stop filming all together. "I said no phones on set," The director yelled out. "We are already behind schedule by 2 hours." He said frustratedly raking his finger through his hair. 

"Y/n it's your phone." The on set assistant said as she handed me the device. 

"Sorry lemme take this real quick." I said loud enough for everyone to hear me, quickly walking to a secluded area. "Wassup babe."  

"Y/n, I think my water just  broke." Kylie said breathing heavily through the phone, catching me off guard. "Hello?" She questioned as I was in shock. 

"Yeah... Yeah, uhm I'm around the corner I'll be there in like 5 minutes babe." I started to walk towards Dani as I heard Kylie's breathing get heavier. "Keep taking deep breaths like the Dr. Irving said, I'm finna call your mom and I'll see you in a minute." I rambled grabbing my hoodie that was in the set car pulling it over my head. 

"Dani I gotta go, Kylie is finna go into labor," I whispered into her ear so everyone couldn't hear. "We can rearrange this shoot just let me know when." I said rushing out of the studio. 

Hearing a faint send me pics from the older girl I got into my BMW and quickly called Kris, speeding to the Hidden Hills home. 

Damn near drifting into my drive way, I rushed out of the car probably not even closing the door before busting into the house. 

"Kylie where you at?" I asked walking into the main living room seeing her sliding on her shoes slowly before she looked up at me. 

"I could fucking kill you right now." She struggled out holding her stomach while trying to stand making me help pull her up. 

Deciding not to say anything back to the hormonal woman, I placed my hand on her lower back guiding her to the passenger seat of the car. Helping her up into the Range Rover I swiftly ran to the drivers side getting in the car. 

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