Chapter Fifty Five

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"So I'm the launch partner for the PS5? And I'm making merch and shoes for the release?" I asked in shock since this was a fairly big deal.

"Yea the system comes out November 12th so we need to get started with ideas," I nodded as everyone could see me through the zoom. "And don't forget your show on Apple Music is starting in threeish.. four weeks."

It wasn't really a show. I wasn't being filmed for it, at least not during these covid times. But it was just a radio station where I was just going to talk and vibe with friends, preview exclusive music, and just showcase the type of music that I listen to.

So it was similar to Nicki Minaj's Queen Radio, just with my own twist.

"What day is that again?" I asked Scooter so I could write the date on my calendar.

After he told me, we continued to discuss everything that was on my schedule.

I was going to be extremely busy. Which is weird since everything is closed.

I thought this was going to be the time that I relax and just enjoy life, but I guess not.

The meeting I was in though was being drawn out. for no reason.

I understood that we- I needed to be productive, but I was burnt out at the moment.

I think the fact that I was literally just looking at a screen had an effect because if we were in person there would've been no problem.

So I was distracted as hell, focusing on everything but the meeting.

But when I heard footsteps and saw Kylie walk into the kitchen my attention shifted to her.

"How was the shoot?" I asked after I muted my mic, watching the girl grab a drink from the fridge.

"It was good," She took a sip from the water while walking over to me. "Normani is a part of it."

"That's dope." I directed my attention to the screen when my name was said.

Kylie had just got back from the WAP video shoot.

I have been working with Megan on her album, Good News which would be coming out in a couple of months.

And one day when I met up with her at the studio, Cardi was there and they were discussing the WAP video.

You know just brainstorming concepts and who they wanted to be in it. That's when they asked me to ask Kylie if she wanted to be the lead. And of course, Kylie said yes.

"Are you in a meeting?"

"Yea," I answered after I muted myself again. "We ain't talking about nothing though for real." She came and stood next to me, peeking over my shoulder at my computer.

"Megan showed me the music video for Movie." I shook my head, remembering how wild that shoot was.

"You like it?" I joked with her knowing that she probably didn't. It was literally shot in a strip club and girls were dancing all around and on me.

"I think I twerk better than them." I busted out laughing at the comment.

Honestly, I have never seen Kylie twerk or really dance in a way that wasn't like a basic white girl.

No offense.

It's just that she only danced when she was drunk.

"I'm serious Y/n." I nodded trying to suppress my laughter.

"I gotta see it to believe it." She rolled her eyes at me and started to walk away, but I grabbed her hand, pulling her back to me.

"Don't leave, I'm just playing." I scooted back in my chair giving her space to sit in my lap. "Come sit with me."

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