Chapter Thirty Nine

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Mom name - Sherie 

Sister name - Jayda

Your Pov

"Cj you was supposed to hit the ball man." I flicked the boy's forehead from across the table. "Ball was on a tee and you was still missing." He just giggled probably not truly understanding what I was saying as he continued to eat his french fries.

"Well, you teach him then." My sister said making me look over at her.

"How? I'm all the way across the country."

"Find a way," She shrugged. "Get him a trainer, you got money now."

"You do too. You gotta job and no bills to pay since you staying with ma still," I chuckled lowly. "And you drive my paid-off car and I pay your son's tuition. I think you can afford it." She didn't say anything back to me, opting to take a sip of her drink instead. 

"Where Cj daddy at?" I asked Jayda, looking over at my mom who shuffled in her seat. 


That's not surprising at all.

"How long?" 

"30 to life." 

"Damn," My eyes widened. "What the hell he do?"

"Y/n you can probably figure that out."

"Nah wh-."

"Let's talk about this another time," My mom interrupted. "Yesterday you said you had two things to talk to us about, we already know about the first one so what's the other?"

I sat up.

"I'm just wondering when are you coming to LA? My daughter finna be one in a couple of months-"  

She cut me off.

"If your 'coming to LA' means moving there it won't happen unless Jayda can come as well." My mom stated with way more attitude that was needed.

"Yea... I was gone talk about that, but if she can afford her own shit and provide for herself once she-." 

Jayda cut me off.

"So you gonna pay for mom's stuff.. but not mine?" I looked over at my sibling who had a visible stank face. 

"That's what-" I was cut off once again.

"That's not right Y/n." My face scrunched in confusion as I looked over at my mom.


"You not supporting your sister," She said as Jayda fixed Cj's tablet, keeping him occupied. "If roles were flipped she would support you."

"This isn't a hypothetical situation though. It isn't my responsibility to pay for Jayda's bills, she a grown ass woman."

"It's just not that Y/n, you can't just separate us like that."

Oh... I nodded my head slowly at her statement.

"You know Jayda needs me." I didn't say anything just kept nodding. "Cj needs me, Jayda's newborn is gonna need me."  

But.. What about me and my daughter?

"You can't keep bringing this topic up thinking I'm gonna-."

"Actually don't trip bout it, I don't need this energy around my kids or myself anyway." I said looking dead at the older woman, ignoring my sister's eyes that I felt on me.

"I'm just stupid for thinking my own mom would support and back me one day. I always thought it was the least you could do since I'm the reason you've been so stable. Even before I started making music." The two of them just looked at me as I continued.

"I've tried to provide a better environment, you know a place better than STL. But I'm done now for sure. With everything. Don't ask me for shit.. Ever again." My mom's eyes widened. 

"No more bills, car notes, mortgage... Don't come to me cause' just like I just said, it's not my obligation to pay for Jayda in life. It's not my obligation for you either."

"And if roles were flipped and you was one making money, I know for a fucking fact you wouldn't do the same for me. Even though you are my mom."

But I wasn't done.

"I'm tired of this repeated cycle of me getting pissed off at you because at the end of the day I know you're not a good parent to both of your kids." I heard Jayda mutter 'wow' in the background as my mom tried to keep a straight face, but I saw the water collecting in her eyes. 

She cried every damn time, but never took the time to change.

"I'm finna go back home to LA," I slid out of the booth pulling my wallet and phone out. "This should be enough for Cj and my food," I placed a fifty and a ten on the table. "I hope y'all can afford the rest." I let out a small chuckle. They wanted to go to one of the most expensive restaurants in St. Louis when I'm here so it was only fair that they paid their own tab. 

Quickly texting my driver to pick me up, I turned and focused my attention on Cj who was still locked into his iPad.

"Aye Cj." I ran my hand through his curls. "I'm bout to leave lil man." He looked up at me with his doe eyes honestly melting my heart. 

"Can I come wit you tt?" He asked softly and I let out a deep sigh as I shook my head no.

"Maybe next time." He smiled at my answer.

"Ok," He said energetically. "You fun imma miss you." I laughed at his statement, leaning down to engulf him in a hug.

"Imma miss you too bud." I kissed the top of his head before turning my back and walking out of the restaurant ignoring my mom calling out for me. 

Getting into the Escalade, I told the driver to head straight to the airport. Not even caring about my bag that was still at the house, nothing valuable was in it anyways.

But as the ride continued I couldn't stop replaying my mom and I's conversation over and over again in my head. 

The whole conversation could have been avoided if her and Jayda let me talk. I was honestly willing to help Jayda get off her feet if she decided to come along, but I didn't even get a chance to say that.

Every time we sat down to talk the convos all had the same results. Me being mad. 

I should've stopped caring a long time ago, but I was holding onto a tiny bit of hope that she would come around, step up and be the caring mom I wanted her to be. But obviously, she hadn't changed and that conversation really showed her true colors. 



Short but important filler chapter. Another update tn probably idk 

Not Edited

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