Angor management

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Narrator's point of view
Jim's house in the kitchen

Jim, Claire, Mary, Darci, aja and Draal were all on edge as they woke up a sleep Strickler who was tied to a chair. Even with his restraints he was still dangerous they weren't going to take any chances

Draal looking out the window to see the Sun has risen as Strickler woke up: we survived the first night be thankful for that

Strickler struggling against his bindings: Ray now get me out of here before that maniac comes back to kill me

Jim leaned against the table nonchalant: yeah that's kind of what we are waiting for

Strickler looked at his former student, with a look of horror: what!! Need I remind you that I placed a finding spell between your mother and me if any harm comes to me-

Claire interrupts: actually the binding spell no longer works and before you say how can we know for sure we tested it Miss Lake cut herself during a surgery just a minor cut but you don't have a mark from the cut so there goes your only bargaining chip

Strickler was becoming visibly nervous: wait how did you undo the binding spell

Darci Who just wanted to slap Strickler silly: we made a deal with your associate we get him to ring you give us the kill stone and and does the binding spell. Oops on your part teach

Draal was confused by the situation: wait I admit that I have rocks for brains but why are we helping the impure if you're just planning to give him to angor rot

Mary: because I want to watch that man gave me a D minus in history I had to go to summer school and now it's time for payback

Strickler still panicking he starts beg for their help: please please do you really want your mother to just be heartbroken by the fact that I just disappeared

Aja answered this time: unfortunately for you, you change a thing jim mother is over you and follow-up Jim knows about the fact she stood you up a few times in the past month so unless you've got anything else I suggest you make peace with your Eldridge Queen

Strickler is shaking in his chair but then soon stops as he remembers his last bargaining chip: wait I have something you want I know the location of the last at stone

This court Jim's attention, he looked at Claire unsure whether he should take the deal he just got that assassin off his back he didn't want to get on his bad side once again especially now that there was no way of controlling him

Mary spoke up: How do we know you're not lying just to save your Stony flesh

Stricklers fear seem to have completely washed away: you don't you're going to have to trust me now get me out of the ropes or I'll never tell you where the last stone is

Jim looked at the others each of one of them were equally as I'm sure about this new deal as he was but right now they had a stamp in the investigation for the last stone. Jim gave a signal to draal to untie the enemy but to keep a close eye on him

Draal Took the prisoner down to the basement while the main team formulated a plan on how to keep their "guest" alive

Mary argues: do we really have to help him I mean he tried to release the ultimate evil upon the world , he had Jim's hand severed from his body oh and most importantly he ruined our night I got a nice red dress and everything

Jim: as much as I would like to see you in that dress if this is our only chance of getting the last stuff we need to get Claire's brother back and it's only chance we've got to get it

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