For jim part 2

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Hi everyone, I do not own the video at the top but it helped inspire the rest of this chapter I hope you enjoy

Narrator's point of view

Darci flew across the dark lands with her fire wings searching for Claire, she soon spotted her on her knees surrounded by what appeared to be troll remains. Darci landed next to her friend checking her over to make sure she's okay Claire just still looks off in shock

Darci concerned: Claire are you okay?

Claire just not in response but the look of shock doesn't leave her, Darci then look around the area seeing all the scattered gum gum remains But she brushes it off thinking that Claire had a breakdown with her magic destroying all of the enemies

Darci turns back to Claire: look I know you're upset but we should get-

Darci was cut off by the sudden appearance of some gum gums and what she thought was a gum gum without armour: crap there is a horde of gum gum is coming our way

Claire pointed at the one that saved her: no that one is different

Darci looked at her friend confused and then looked back at the gum gum is only to be met with another giant raw coming from the one without armour the other ward back at him before he got on his two legs and went into a fighting stance like from streetfighter.

The first gum gum charges only to have his head separated from his body and it to be launched like a catapult to the nearest wall it's then when the gum gum without Amma went on a killing rampage once again throughout Gunnar's army

Darci stood there in shock: did that gum gum just destroy entire horde of it's own kind, But that's impossible Blinky said that gum gum is are eternally loyal to the king there is no way one of them could rebel even if he did gunmar could just controlling with the blade

Claire stands out: I don't know maybe his rebellion is new

Darci: either way we should get out of here the last thing we need is that thing coming after us

Claire and Darci Where about to walk away when Claire just looked back at the massacre scenes as she thinks to herself: what is he are there any more like him I've never heard of a gum gum killing another gum gum before according to Blinky no one has but there was something so familiar about him almost as if I'd met him before. I think I just bear witness to the manifestation of troll kinds rage

Claire stop Darcy from going any further: Darci wait will never find the others like this you're more likely to run into gum gums I think we should follow the Rogue one I think he's fighting out of instinct and he doesn't seem to have any interest in us he could've killed me within an instant but instead he just ignored me like I was air

Darci doesn't seem to like that idea but she can't think of another one so she agrees that to then follow their new friend

In the throne room of gunmar

Blinkys point of view

I cannot believe that my brother is alive more worse he is serving gunmar Who is now trying to torture us out of giving the location of the bridge but me and my companion Aaarrrggghhh refuse to tell him anything.....

Unfortunately due to my comments as being tortured I have already given away the location of the bridge.

Gunmar: we have the location of the bridge in the real world we don't know where it is here and we don't know how long it will remain open, you must tell me where!

I refuse: i'll never tell you you're bored only bring suffering to both troll kind and mankind, And if you think we came alone you are sorely mistaken we came with the funniest warriors in our world

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