KanjigAAARRRGGHH (short)

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Everyone sorry for another short episode butI honestly had no idea how to do this one and also I just wanna get onto the surprise in the dark lands so it's just basically going to be a quick summary of what happens

Oh quick thing aja is in this one

narrator's point of view

Angor I gathered all the ingredients they need to bring back their friend aaarrrggghhh all I needed to do was boil it in oil which they did and from that result is now a as live Aaarrrggghhh He was confused at first but his friends managed to calm him down and then he was possessed bye kanjigar The previous troll Hunter

He told the others what the plan should be to rescue James Lake Junior from the dark lands, so after being chased out of troll market they escaped to the bridge. And that's where kanjigar Gave each of the trawl hunting team I said of instructions and sometimes an item that we need in a key moment

For Toby kanjigar do him a sort of key that he said that they would need in a key moment

For Blinky he gave him where that will save his life

For aja, Mary and Darci he told them that their purpose was to protect their team whilst in the dark lines

Draal and angor where to stay behind to protect the bridge just in case anything came through

And last but not least Claire her purpose was to make sure that Jim comes back as himself whatever that means

Kanjigar then opened at the bridge and the team charged in with no regrets to rescue the lost friend

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