Goodmornig miss Jones

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I open my eyes blinking a few times as the smell of freshly cooked breakfast filled my nostrils, I take in my surroundings realising that Megamind's not in bed with me.

I groan rolling over hopping out of the bed, as I slide my feet into Megamind's cute bat slippers before walking out the door and towards the kitchen.

"Hey, guys" I yawn rubbing my eyes slightly

"Oh good morning miss Jones, I've made breakfast" Minion smiles

"Good Morning Y/N" Megamind says as he offers me a seat next to him

"It sure smells nice, what is it?" I ask

"It's pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages and of course a cup of coffee" Megamind says enthusiastically

My stomach growls just from the sound of the lovely breakfast, Minion then slides the plate on the table infount of me as I start to dig into the food, Minion takes a seat at the table with us

"So, did you two sleep well?" Minion asks

"Yeah, we slept good" I reply back taking another bite of the breakfast

"That's good, I had a pretty hard time going to sleep myself, I just kept hearing these wired moaning noises-"

I pause eating to look at Megamind who turns bright pink, we just stare at each other just thinking who's going to tell him or if we should tell him

"The noises just kept getting louder and louder till I just couldn't take it anymore, I searched all over the lair to find out where it was coming from. Turns out it was one of the pipes"

I take a huge sigh of relief

"Minion I told you to fix that faulty pipe" Megamind says

"I know sir, I'll get right on it after I finish Miss Jones's pyjamas"

As I finish my food I get up to wash my plate

"Thank you again for the lovely breakfast minion" I smile

"Your very welcome miss Jones"

Minion stands up stopping me from continuing to wash my plate

"Miss Jones, you don't have to wash up"

"No Minion I'll do it, it's fine"

"Oh ok if you insist, I'll just finish adding the last touches to your new pyjamas"

"Ok" I reply to minion as he leaves the room, leaving me and Megamind together

Megamind stands up from the table with his empty plate and mug in his hands, he walks up to the sink putting his plate in soapy water

"Hey" I call out to him


"You could of washed your own plate" I say flicking water at him as I go to wash his plate

"I know but looks like your washing it for me" he says sneaking up behind me, his hands gripping my waist as he pulls himself into me

"Hey, I'm t-trying to wash up"
Megamind presses his lips to my neck leaving little kisses all over my neck, as soon as I finish washing up Megamind spins me around so I'm facing him with my back towards the sink, I role my head in pleasure from the little kisses on my neck he pulls back from my neck to connect his lips to mine the kiss it sweet but intence he pushes his body further to mine making me feel how hard he is.
I grip the counter for more support as Megamind's kisses become more intence

"Ahumm" Minion clears his throat as he stands in the doorway, Megamind pulls away unconnecting our lips

"Sir, can I talk to Miss Jones please"

"Urm, yes sure, I'm going to take a shower anyway" Megamind places a quick kiss on my cheak before he walks out the door

"Minion, I can explain"

"There's no need to Miss Jones, I understand really" minion offers me to take a seat at the table as he goes to sit beside me

"Listen, miss Jones I'm sorry for the way I acted with you. It's just that I've not seen sir this happy since Roxanne and I just didn't want you to leave him like Roxanne did but now I realize just how much you care for him. I hope you can forgive me"

"Aw Minion it's fine I forgive you, honestly I get it you were just trying to look out for your best friend"

"Oh thank you for being so understanding"

"it's ok minion" I say patting his big metallic arm

"I've also came to say that I've finished your pyjamas, their on sir's bed

"Aw thank you minion" I say as a start getting up from my seat leaving to kitchen to try on my new pyjamas.

I get into Megamind's room to see my pyjamas neatly laying on the bed I change into them. They feel really nice and soft I walk up to a mirror that's in the corner of the room as I look at the reflection of myself, the pyjamas seriously looked so nice on me the way the fabric hugged my body showing some of my curves but not too much that it would be uncomfortable and tight

"You look georgous" Megamind says slowly looking me up and down as he  leans against the door frame with a black and blue towel wrapped tightly around his small waist

I turn to him walking up to him, he takes a seat on the foot of the bed as I climb on top of his lap kissing his neck he let's out a little breathy moan as my kisses travel to his shoulders to his chest then back up to his neck

"Your so good" Megamind whispers

I smile through the kiss as I feel the tent starting to pop up from Megamind's towel

"You know this is crazy but amazing at the same time" I say in between kisses

"What, us?" He asks

I sit up from his lap
"Yes. I mean I love it, I love you but it just feels like a dream and I'll wake up with out you"

"Y/N I'll always be here with you even if it does feel like a dream or a story" he says kissing my lips

"Wait, what did you say?" I question

"I'll always be here with you even if it does feel like a dream or a story"

"Oh my gosh, yes that's it" I jump off his lap

"What, what is?" Megamind asks with confusion

"Right, do you have paper or a note pad, pencils, pens and colours"

"Erm, yes, they should be in the study"

"Great" I place a little kiss on his lips as I head towards the door

"Wait Y/N, what's going on?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough"
I say before walking out the door towards the study.

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