06: My hero

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   The baseball game played that Saturday morning was a whole movie. Jonathan and his team gave their 100% as they always do, and won that game, the one that lead them to the long-awaited list of the twelve best teams in the area. The State champion was going to be defined among them during fall.

   After a quick celebration in the team's locker room, everyone had a shower, dressed in team clothing (white and light blue) and got ready to continue the celebrations, having lunch all together at a nice family restaurant.

   “Hey Jon, are you coming?” asked Aaron, the brunette's teammate, when he saw the latino walking towards the opposite direction of the meeting place.

   “Yeah, but I'll wait for Sher first” Jonathan explained, fixing his cap.

   “Oh, I see,” Aaron nodded. “You're lucky, my girl couldn't make it today because of exams and stuff... Okay I'll save two chairs then. See you later!”

   “Thanks, dude,” Jonathan waved him, and was about to turn around, when he felt someone clinging to his back like a koala, in the very street.

   “Hey, champion, how you doing?” Sherwin greeted in a cheerful tone, clinging onto him with arms and legs, and leaving a small kiss on the brunette's cheek. Jonathan laughed.

   “My first hit was for you, did you see it?” Jonathan asked, raising his hand to caress Sherwin's curly hair for a moment.

   Sher got off his back. He stood in front of him, borrowed his cap, and placed it over his orange, fluffy hair.

   “Of course I saw you, you are the star!” He replied effusively, making big and adorable gestures that denoted how proud he was of the blue-eyed boy.

   Jonathan's hair was disheveled because he hasn't got his cap anymore, and he just noticed when a wind blew a lock across his forehead. The truth is that Jonathan always looked oddly good with every hairstyle, but he'd rather fix those strands over his face.

   “Ugh...” he definitely needed a mirror. In the left it was a store with a glass window “Give me a minute.”

   And saying that, he took a few quick steps towards the window, and used it as a mirror.

   “Oh, sorry... Here,” the ginger apologized, just about to take off the cap. Jonathan, already in front of the window, turned around and denied.

   “No, I like how it looks on you” he smiled sideways like the whole heartthrob he was, and turned to the window again.

   Sherwin smiled, and stared at the brunette from behind, while he was fixing his dark hair with his hands. That boy looked beautiful even like that, and Sherwin didn't know whether if Jonathan really had that quality, or if it was just how crazy he was for him. He couldn't decide.

   Shirley captured his attention then. It came out of his pocket and began floating quickly in front of Sherwin's face.

   “Shirley, no!” Sherwin was about to catch the heart and put it on his pocket, and only then he noticed that the heart was pointing upward with desperation. The redhead looked up... And then he saw what the problem was.

   The second floor had an old, little wall about five feet tall. The wall began to break suddenly, and chunks of concrete about the size of a fist were about to fall right on Jonathan.

   “JONNY!” His reaction was so quick and spontaneous. Before he noticed his own actions, he was already on the ground, covering the brunette with his own body.

   The following seemed to happen in slow motion. Two and a half seconds was how long the concrete rain lasted, but to the frightened couple it seemed like a short eternity. The pieces of wall fell around them, one of them hit the front of the cap Sherwin was wearing, causing it to fall off his head and to the ground.

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