07: Yours

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   With a little effort ('effort' meaning a lot of kisses and sweet words), Jon managed to take his boyfriend outta his comfort zone, and take him to a beach day with their friends.

   It was like 9 in the morning, and they were inside Aaron's father's car, with Alex and Taylor (by then, the girls were dating since one week before) and one more girl named Samantha. After an hour, the six teenagers stepped outta the car, taking bags with towels, suntan lotion, sunscreen, food, a ball, a frisbee and some other stuff. Everything they needed for a beautiful day next to the sea.

   They were all walking in the sand, Jonathan was holding his boyfriend's hand, and then glanced at his face. He noticed he was still uncomfortable about that, so he squished his hand.

   "Oh pumpkin, please smile for me. We're gonna have so much fun, I promise" the brunette said happily. Sher smiled shyly, and nodded, trusting his boyfriend's words.

   They found a free sunshade pretty close to the sea, they dropped their bags and got comfortable. The lifeguards set a sign: 'We only allow people entering the sea after noon'. They had to kill the time with something else, so they all went to play volleyball.

   All of them, but Sherwin and Jonathan. The brunette stayed because he needed to take the sunscreen and cover himself head to toe. People didn't know, his tan skin was extremely sensitive.

   And Sherwin stayed because Jon did. No more reasons.

   Well... Yeah, also because shirtless Jonathan Bravo was a vision. He could've spent the whole day like that, seven feet away from him, just admiring his unique beauty.

   Oh, Sherwin liked what he was seeing so much. But immediately he noticed that a group of girls wearing some tiny bikinis liked the view too. He glanced at his boyfriend and found him totally unaware of the situation, comfortably lying on a sand chair, wearing his sunglasses, and applying the sunscreen all over his skin.

   "Hey, babyboy. Your skin is perfectly tanned already, you don't need suntan lotion" one of the girls said shamelessly, giggling hard after that. Jonathan looked up at them, with a confused face.

   He was about to say it wasn't suntan lotion but sunscreen, but suddenly he noticed that Sherwin was doing fists with his white hands. He was showing his back to Jon, and then he turned around, looking somewhat... Annoyed? He was squinting his pretty hazel eyes, and then he grabbed a towel and throw it straight to his face.

   "Wipe the drool off your face" he said with an angry tone. Shirley popped out of Sherwin's backpack being as angry as his owner, and started throwing tiny handfuls of sand to the girls.

   "B-but... Baby?" Sherwin turned around, his arms crossed over his chest. Jonathan took his glasses off and put them aside "Come here, Sherwin. Why are you mad?"

   "Blabla Sherwin blablabla" the redhead said in a hilarious way.

   "Ohhh... No way" the brunette chuckled, and stretched his arms out to grab his love's waist, making him sit down on his lap. He still had his arms crossed over his chest, and his cheeks all puffy in anger. Jonathan wrapped his arms around Sher's thin waist, still chuckling "Did you get jealous over those girls?"

   The only answer the redhead gave was an adorable growl.

   "My pretty pumpkin..." Jonathan said endeared, and held him tighter, leaving a smooch on his cheek "Please don't be mad. I'm your boy, just yours, okay? No one else's."

   Jonathan's sweet words started working out, because Sher already untangled his arms and dropped his annoyed face. He looked up and noticed those girls were still there, looking back at them in awe, so he decided to pull a show for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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