05: H. O. L. Y.

561 10 16

   I'm back! Darn, I wanted to continue translating my Sherwithan oneshots so badly, but it was so hard on the phone. Now I have a laptop, and already translated several shots via Google Translate. Now I just need to check the final texts, change some words and just upload them. If we are lucky, we'll have up to part 10 published before the next weekend!

   Thank you for being so patient with me. And again, English is not my native, so I apologize for any mistake you'd find through this stuff.

   Thanks for reading! :'D


   The redhead was at rehearsal with the school band, playing the instrument assigned to him, which was the triangle.

   Most people think the triangle is the easiest instrument, that every person can play it in a band without even practice, but that's just a legend. It produces a single tone, which is extremely sharp, so sharp actually that if you play it at the wrong moment, the sound will pop out of the rest, and the purpose of an orchestra is harmonizing all the sounds. Not every person can play correctly the triangle at first try, they need the most sense of rhythm to make it right. Basically, if Sherwin made a mistake with that little instrument, that would ruin the entire rehearsal, so he was always extremely focused.

   They needed everything to be as good as possible. There were days apart of the end of year show, and all their families would come to school to see them play.

   “Excellent work, guys!” The director congratulated, lowering the baton he used to direct them all “Now, before finishing, I just got a text. Our band was chosen to participate on the State School Bands Contest!”

   Everyone in the classroom, including the redhead, celebrated for the goal. Sherwin was actually a little scared to participate in such an important event, but he was obviously proud of the team's achievement.

   “They gave me an article with all of the information, I will send it to our group chat as soon as I go back home. And... Yeah, that's it, you can go now. Who is the one on charge of the cleaning today?”

   “Sherwin!” exclaimed two members of the band, putting away their violins. The ginger nodded and started to put his triangle and sheet music in his backpack. Everyone said their goodbyes one by one, and in a few minutes he was alone in the music classroom.

   As he put the seats and the instrument and sheet music stands in their respective places, he began to hum a song that began to play in his head. A song that Jonathan had shared to him the night before, and that he listened to over and over until he went to sleep.

   Jonathan entered the music clasroom at that moment with his backpack hanging on his shoulder, looking for his boyfriend to walk him to his house. He was surprised when he didn't see him among the sea of ​​children carrying instruments, so he thought that the boy must still be inside.

   He found the redhead storing the band supplies, and humming a song he knew very well. Since his back was turned, he did not see the brunette entering the place. Jonathan decided to step back and stay silent behind the door, because Sherwin had a really pretty voice, and he wanted to hear it a little more.

   The melody began to take control of the redhead little by little, bringing him the memory of a single person. The humming evolved, and Sher was already singing the melody line by line, still arranging things in cabinets.

When the sun had left and the winter came

And the sky fall to only bring the rain

I sat in darkness, all broken hearted

I couldn't find a day I didn't feel alone

I never meant to cry, started losing hope

Sherwithan One-shots (English version)Where stories live. Discover now