02: Ruined plans

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Almost every day, these two preteens named Sherwin and Jonathan spent as much time together as they could. When it wasn't possible, they still were in touch via WhatsApp, since it was the only social platform used by Sher. It was almost time to sleep, and a great day was awaiting tomorrow. They would celebrate their first month being together, since July 31.

AppleBoy🍎: I need to insist, "month-versary" sounds way more accurate

UplnATree👆: You can use that name if you want to, but I'll keep saying "monthy". It sounds cute, idk :D

AppleBoy🍎: Oh, YOU are cute, sweetheart 💋

UplnATree👆: Aw ♡♡♡ Jon

Jonathan could practically see Sherwin in his imagination, with his cheeks in the same shade of his red hair.

He was terribly excited about the next day. He turned his head, and looked at his backpack lying on the very ground. It was filled with balloons (deflated), some orange juice, pancakes, cookies, and of course, apples. Also his portable speaker, and a book they were reading together those days. His idea was to blow up the balloons and spread them all over the redhead's room while he was still asleep, then wake him up and give him the tasty foods inside the backpack, listening soft music, snuggle together on the bed and read some chapters of the book, and then getting ready to spend the rest of the day at the city fair. He could already imagine that freckled and adorable child with a happy expression on his face.

AppleBoy🍎: We should go to sleep now. The sooner we sleep, the sooner tomorrow will come. l'm looking forward to see you! 😍

UplnATree👆: I can't wait! I love you so so so much ♡♡♡ sleep tight

A big smile began to break through his face as he read those words. He felt like his chest was going to burst in love.

AppleBoy🍎: Love you, gorgeous! 😍❤ goodnight

He stretched his right arm and plugged in his phone, and then rested his head on the pillow, with the same smile curling his lips until he was sleeping.

The next day he woke up super early, when the sun hadn't even rise up yet. He quickly got ready, grabbed his backpack and woke up his dad asking him to please take him to his boyfriend's house. The man agreed, rubbing his eyes.

"You really like that little freckled boy, no one would get up this early just for nothing," his father said, dressed in a robe, grabbing the steering wheel with both hands, eyes on the dark street.

"W-well... Sher deserves even more, but I do my best," Jonathan murmured rubbing the back of his neck, a slight blush painting his cheeks. His dad felt touched, and looked at him for a second.

"Is today his birthday or something?" the man asked.

"No, it has been a month since we've started dating," Jon smiled.

"A full month has gone? Holy cow! I can't believe it" Jonathan's father said, smiling.

"I know, I can't believe it either" Jon smiled.

When both finally arrived at the house, Jonathan thanked his father and say goodbye, took his backpack and got out of the car, on the horizon began to light up the first rays of sun of that early morning.

Jonathan came in, using the extra key he got in his pocket, "in case of an emergency." A few days before, he had asked his mother-in-law for permission to execute his master plan, so he was pretty sure she wouldn't be scared to meet him that early, hanging around the house. He carefully closed the front door, and silently walked up the stairs, to the redhead's room.

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