04: All for you

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   The front door of the Bravo house opened suddenly and unexpectedly. Jonathan's father was in his office at that moment, working on his laptop, and when he heard the sound he looked apart from the screen. He hadn't even the slightest idea who could have entered, since it was over 3 pm, and Jonathan had the practice with the baseball team, so he was going to come back home at 4:30 pm.

   Probably Jon left the practice early, or maybe even there was no practice at all. But still, it was something strange, because every time Jon came back home, he used to announce himself with a loud, cheerful “¡Hola, papá!”

   Something was weird. He didn't know what exactly, but he just felt like something was not right there.

   And then Sherwin, his son's boyfriend, appeared in front of the half-open door of his office, with a terrified expression on his freckled face. Then he just knew something wasn't right. Nothing came out of the redhead's mouth but babbles, and his trembling hand was pointing to the living room.

   “Sherwin? Wha... What happened?” the man asked with a slight tone of alarm in his voice , standing up and walking towards his son-in-law.

   The only thing Sher managed to do was taking a step back, leaving the way free for the man to go to the living room.

   Did something happen to his little boy? He was not going to waste a single second. Taking several quick, long steps, he exited his office and walked the direction indicated by the redhead.

   Jonathan was sitting on the sofa, his back turned to him, and was covering his face with his hands. His clothes were full of dust, and some little splashes of... Blood?

   “Dad, don't be scared” Jonathan turned quickly, the sound of his voice appeased by his own hands, both dirty and with those little red drops. His eyes reflected fear and worry.

   Jonathan's father was completely alarmed with that scene, but he made an effort and tried to not show it, since Jonathan didn't want him to worry. In his priorities list, before actually knowing what the heck happened, he just needed to know how his son was. He knelt in front of him, staring at him, and tried to take his hand.

   “Jonny, please, let me see” commanded the man with a straight yet loving voice, pulling down his son's hands to discover his face.

   Jonathan obeyed, swallowing. He removed both hands from his face... A dark bruise maybe an inch sized was revealed on his left cheek. Below the bruise he found little scrapes, and on the middle of his lower lip there was a small, open wound that probably was bleeding down his chin moments before.

   “Hijito” he carefully took his injured face with one hand “Please, tell me what happened to you.”

   “Mr. Bravo...” finally the first word came out of the redhead's mouth, making the man look up at him “Jonathan, he... He stood for me.”


   It was half an hour before these two young lovers split their paths. Jon had to go to his baseball practice, but first he wanted to leave Sherwin on his piano class. They walked down the wide corridor to the exit of the school, holding hands, tenderly like holding the most precious object in the world, but also firmly as if the other were going to vanish when they let go. Curious combination of sensations, you could say. Those boys were a curious combination themselves, the people in school were heart-melted every time they put eyes on the couple.

   Well, at least most of the people did so... Travis Fitzgerald, a dark-eyed brunette, who was Jon's teammate on baseball, frowned and growled whenever he saw them walking by.

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