01: I'm real

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Sherwin was at school, walking with slow steps through the busy and noisy corridor. He just finished his Math class (the last of the day, fortunately).

The heavy, full of equations book in his hands had to wait. Only five days were left until his Spanish exam, and since he didn't understand nada de nada about the language, he had to prepare for it.

And there was anyone in school able to help him but Jonathan, who spoke perfectly both languages. The couple were going to meet at the entrance of the establishment after a few minutes.

In front of his open locker, the ginger was about to leave the book in his hand and take out the required one for the test, when surprisingly, two hands covered his eyes, and a sweet, familiar smell of fresh apples invaded his nostrils, making him smile irremediably.

"Darling! I can't find my book if I can't see a thing" Sherwin giggled, placing his hands on his boyfriend's.

"I'll help you, just follow my instructions," Jonathan murmured softly over the ginger's shoulder, still covering his eyes.

Sherwin let out another laugh, then raised his right hand, waiting for the brunette's instructions.

"To the left... A little more, you're getting closer... The next one... Good! You found it, my love" Jonathan uncovered the ginger's eyes, then turned him to see that beautiful face mined with adorable freckles.

"Thanks" Sherwin said smiling shyly "l thought we'd meet at the entrance of the school."

"Yep, that was our deal, indeed. But I couldn't wait any longer. I was dying to see you" Jonathan confessed and blushed, then he took Sherwin's hand "You ready?"

"Just give me a second." Sherwin let go of his boyfriend's hand just enough time to properly close his locker. Then, he took that warm hand again.

The couple walked a few meters towards the exit of the building, and they met Alex there, Sherwin's friend. She asked the couple if they wanted to hang out all together, but Jonathan kindly rejected the proposal, objecting that they already had plans for the rest of the day. The girl smiled sympathetically, and walked away in the opposite direction they were leading

Jon was so deep in the ocean of happiness called being Sherwin's boyfriend, that he didn't notice the thoughtful expression on that freckled face.

"We can go under our tree" the brunette suggested.

Not receiving any response from the ginger captured his attention.

"Babe..." Jonathan gave a small squeeze to his boyfriend's hand, and the gesture brought Sher back to reality. He shook his head, and then he focused on the brunette.

"Sorry, Jon. What were you saying?" Sherwin replied, bewildered, pretending to be normal.

The intuitive Jonathan didn't believe that acting at all. He stopped abruptly, making the boy with red curls turn towards him, as they were holding hands.

"What's wrong?" the brunette asked, pretty worried. At this question, Sher just grimaced, his lips sealed "You can tell me anything, and you know it."

"W-well, I guess I'm probably nervous about the exam and so, but despite that... Yeah, nothing happen to me," the redhead muttered looking down at the floor. When his gaze met Jonathan's eyes again, and noticed the still concerned look on his face, he softly stroked his knuckles with his thumb, smiling "Don't worry darling. I'm fine."

Jonathan narrowed his eyes. That answer left him minimally satisfied, but he sighed and decided to stop insisting just for now. They walked together to the cool shade of that tree, which gave birth to the spark of love between those preteens.

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