Chapter 8: I Would Love To Meet My Little Niece

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[Klaus/Alaric opens the closet and takes out 2 shirts. Katherine is tied to a chair.]

KLAUS/ALARIC: Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?

[He shows the shirts to Katherine.]

KLAUS/ALARIC: Okay, bad, or badder?

KATHERINE: The dark colors suit you better.

KLAUS/ALARIC: Oh, thank you, honey. Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatores' possession, correct?

KATHERINE: The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house.

KLAUS/ALARIC: Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy is a buzzkill.

KLAUS/ALARIC: Speaking of Elijah were is your and Elijah's lovely daughter, Adelina.

KATHERINE: [She gulped] She's with Elijah, why?

KLAUS/ALARIC: Well I would love to meet my little niece. She has a little part to play in all of this... 

Flashback: England 1510

Adela's Point of View

I have snuck away from the cottage where my mum and I reside, I heard about a ball being thrown. I wanted nothing more than to go so I snuck out to the ball. 

Adela's Outfit

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Adela's Outfit

Third Person

She walked into the beautiful ball she never had been around this many people before. She was excited. She walked over to the balcony she felt magic coming from there. Right before she could she bumped into a man.

ADELA: Oh I am so sorry Lord... [She looked at his face he looked so familiar] 

MAN: Elijah... [He looked at her she looked familiar] and you are?

ADELA: Adelina [Elijah remembered the little girl he met in the forest]

ELIJAH: Well it's lovely to meet you Adelina. [She smiled and walked to the balcony]

[She saw the a beautiful young lady, with long blonde hair, she looked at the women's hand she is wearing a daylight ring. She is a vampire. The women noticed her.]

WOMAN: [She put her hand out] I'm Esmée Dior.

ADELA: [She shakes her hand] Adelina Petrova.

ESMEE: I have never heard your name and I know everyone here.

ADELA: I sort of crashing. [Esmée chucked]

ESMEE: I won't tell. [The two girls laughed and talked the rest of the night but what they didn't know is that one Original Hybrid was listening] 

Days Earlier... Klaus' POV

Margery one of the witches Klaus had looking into the hybrid curse had some new for Klaus, in a letter she wrote. A servant read the letter:

Dear Klaus,

I found a new ingredient you need to break the curse. You couldn't have never broken the curse before. It wouldn't have worked. After I found out why. I found out, you need the power of another hybrid. But it can't just be any hybrid, it has to be a hybrid bond by blood to you and to the doppleganger. The witch who breaks the cures must channel the power of another hybrid. Without power of the other hybrid the curse will not lift.  

Sincerely, Margery

Klaus smirked he knew there was already someone who met this description. He had heard the whispers that Katerina was with child after she fled England and that the child survived her transition. He knew that his brother had cared deeply for Katerina so he came up with a plan. 

SERVANT: Should I inform the Lord Elijah

KLAUS: Don't Elijah shall never know.

At the Party

Third Person

Klaus was at the ball and saw a young woman walk into the ball. She had Elijah's eyes and the same long, thick, brown hair as Katerina. He knew it was her, he wanted to be sure. He listened to the conversation she had with the Lady Esmée, a young vampire he knew of. He heard her mutter her name Adelina Petrova. When she left she wandered through the thick forest Klaus was following her, he sped over to her and pushed her against a tree holding her by her neck. 

Adelina tried to get her bracelet of but she couldn't. 

ADELA: Who are you?

KLAUS: I'm Klaus [He plunged his hand through her chest and ripped out her heart. She dropped to the floor "dead", he moved a piece of hair of her face. He put a bleeding out human next to her.]

KLAUS: I will see you again Adelina. [He left]

Adelina woke up in the forest she saw the blood and couldn't help but feed. She feed until she was dead. Esmée could smell the human blood, she followed the sent what she found was a distraught Adelina. She ran over to her, Adelina was the first girl Esmée actually liked in a long time. 

She crouched next to her and rubbed her back.

ESMEE: Your transitioned. [Adelina nodded]

ADELINA: I have to get home.

ESMEE: I'll take you

The Petrova Cottage

KATERINA: Adela, Adela, Adelina! [She called outside she was so worried, she couldn't find her]

ADELINA: Mum. [She said covered in blood]

KATERINA: Adelina. [She ran to her]

Adelina explained what happened, Katerina got her cleaned up and Adelina went to bed for the night. She looked at her bed and sitting on it was a daylight ring and piece of paper that said From: Esmée Dior

Adelina smiled and slipped on the ring, he was know a hybrid and one day she one learn of a group of vampire-witches and she took their name. She was know a Heretic. 

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