Chapter 49: Let's Torture My Ex

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[Adela, Freya and Elijah are in the upstairs study, where Freya is in the middle of setting up a magical binding circle made of salt and herbs to trap Tristan, who has been chained to a chair. Inside the circle are Elder Futhark runes, including ingwaz and algiz. Once the circle is complete, Freya looks up at Elijah and sighs]

FREYA: The spell is complete. Tristan cannot cross the boundary of his own will, but we can enter and leave as we please.

[Elijah crouches down to look at Tristan more closely]

FREYA: I took the liberty of injecting him with hibiscus and mugwort to counteract any vervain in his system. All you have to do is compel him to give you the longitude of Rebekah's location.

ELIJAH: He says he's immune.

FREYA: [shrugs] Well, then I'll find some other way to make him talk.

[Freya walks over to an end table and sets the jar of salt on it before she picks up an old-fashioned looking dagger with a thick, wavy-cut blade]

ELIJAH: Will you?

[Elijah walks over to Freya and holds out his hand, and she sighs again before reluctantly giving him the dagger]

ADELA: You're still upset I tortured Aurora without your permission.

ELIJAH: [amused] Oh, Adela. I'm obscenely fond of torture. But yes, when I'm entertaining, I like to be the one to choose precisely when and how we violate the guests.

[Elijah turns the dagger in his hand so that he's holding the blade with the handle facing toward Adela before he sits it down on the table]

ADELA: Fine. How should we proceed?

ELIJAH: Devastate his body, infiltrate the mind, and steal the information we need. To that end, I've invited a friend.

[Just then, Hayley, who has Hope balanced on her hip, walks through the doorway to join them. At the sight of his niece, Elijah gives Hayley a look of confusion]

HAYLEY: Elijah. I got your text.

ELIJAH: Unless she's violently teething, I don't recommend this as a daycare...

HAYLEY: [sighs] Jack's gone, and I don't know if he's coming back. I also really don't want to talk about it. So, which one of you will take Hope while I take out my anger on this pompous dick.

[Elijah seems shocked by the news that Hayley and Jackson's relationship is strained, but after a moment, he gives Freya a significant look. Understanding what he's trying to communicate, Adela turns to Hope and smiles before taking her out of Hayley's arms]

ADELA: Come here, baby girl. Let's go see Katerina. 

[Adela gives Hayley a sympathetic smile before taking Hope into one of the other rooms, leaving Elijah and Hayley alone with Tristan.]


[Adela is at the KENNER APARTMENT with Hope and Katerina, Mary Dumas enters the room behind her. Adela turns and looks at her suspiciously as she takes off her jacket]

MARY: You must be Elijah's daughter. Adela?ADELA: [warily] And who are you?MARY: Name's Mary. I'm a Crescent. Closest thing your cousin has to a great-grandmother. Figure she's napping?ADELA: [nods] That's right.MARY: And Hayley?ADELA: She's across the street helping with a... family matter.

[Mary rolls her eyes at this news]

MARY: Was that Elijah's idea?

[Adela sighs and gives Mary a look. In the MIKAELSON COMPOUND, where Hayley has stepped out into the hallway after Adela has called her to verify what Mary has told her.]

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